well one down one to go, not much meat on it though, considering the size of em .... is now in debate as to whether to leave the other one a bit longer .... but i think he's missing his friend and feels a bit cruel .... does that sound strange after strangling a duck, and chopping its head off?
according to some friends who've just been round ... i'm a hard B***h cos they said they couldn't have done it .... and my neighbour had nightmares after he killed buttercup .... but being honest it didnt actually bother me ... i think cos i always knew it was just live meat ... and didnt have names (other than roast and crispy) and i formed no attachment to them ..... It was much easier than i thought it would be ... and was over in seconds ... the hardest part is the flapping after, cos i was panicking a bit that it wasnt dead, even though i knew it was cos it had no head ... cos apparently you're supposed to drain ducks of blood .... there was a lot of fat, but aylesburys appear to be very lazy so would probably be better to have livelier ducks ... if you're gonna eat them to increase muscle and reduce fat ..... plucking was much harder than it is for chooks, and the skin ripped much more easily, so much so i decided to skin the first one..... have since found out, plucking is easier if you put them in very hot water for a short while.....so all that remains to do now is cook one for dinner tomorrow
.... the other one is going in the freezer for xmas
according to some friends who've just been round ... i'm a hard B***h cos they said they couldn't have done it .... and my neighbour had nightmares after he killed buttercup .... but being honest it didnt actually bother me ... i think cos i always knew it was just live meat ... and didnt have names (other than roast and crispy) and i formed no attachment to them ..... It was much easier than i thought it would be ... and was over in seconds ... the hardest part is the flapping after, cos i was panicking a bit that it wasnt dead, even though i knew it was cos it had no head ... cos apparently you're supposed to drain ducks of blood .... there was a lot of fat, but aylesburys appear to be very lazy so would probably be better to have livelier ducks ... if you're gonna eat them to increase muscle and reduce fat ..... plucking was much harder than it is for chooks, and the skin ripped much more easily, so much so i decided to skin the first one..... have since found out, plucking is easier if you put them in very hot water for a short while.....so all that remains to do now is cook one for dinner tomorrow
