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Scary and Unusual behaviour - help may be needed


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  • Scary and Unusual behaviour - help may be needed

    Hi All

    My omlet has been looking a little down lately, no sign of any red mite.

    This morning she sat on he higher perch and her comb was over to one side, she looked quite sorry for herself. She then did some weird head movements

    still stranger, all the choocks get on well, I havent had more than chasing and the odd mumble at each other - however this morning one of the others is stalking her and grabbing her comb and pulling her around - quite agressively

    I noticed her comb has a small womb to it which has healed. But Henna will not leave her be, to the degree she is sitting on the coup to avoid her

    Any ideas

  • #2
    I'm too much of an amateur myself, Tick, but it doesn't sound good, does it? I hope it turns out to be something minor though and I'm sure one of the experienced grapes will be along in a minute to give advice. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #3
      It is worrying, my friend said its just re-aligning top hen, but i'm sure its more than that and I have heard that hens will pick on one that is poorly or off colour.

      They all get on well, so this is strange behaviour, this head movement, I'm not sure if I could describe it as though she has something stuck or she is having a is a bit strange

      Havent seen this before from them - having check some photos of her, her comb is usually quite high and proud, the last couple of days its been more hung over to the side.

      The worst is that i go away tonight and my friend is looking after them, so I do worry as she is excellent with them, but not a chicken person


      • #4
        Hens will literally pick on an ill chicken to the point of killing it as they perceive one ill bird to be a risk to the wellbeing of the entire flock.

        Any other symptoms hun other than looking sorry for herself and can you describe the head movements!
        My Blog


        • #5
          sort of a shaken corkscrew movement?

          Sorry not much help, she stretched her neck up and it sort of shook in a sort of corkscrew type movement back down. repeated that and repeated again - sort of trying to shake something off

          I've checked on her again tonight, her comb, looks slightly shriveled. Cant feel anything on her, and they are powdered for red mite and lice even thought there is no sign - dont want to miss anything


          • #6
            Usually they shake like that when they are irritated - usually by mite and/or lice. Have you checked her feet - scaley mite can and will attack both the feet and the comb! Not being much help I'm afraid but I can;t think what else would make her shake in the absence of other symptoms such as sneezes.
            My Blog


            • #7
              Gapeworm? Is she shaking like something stuck in her throat?


              • #8
                good one sally not thought of that!
                My Blog


                • #9
                  Hi All

                  Sorry for the delay in replying, Have been away, back now and I'm still concerned for Omlet

                  She was crowing like a good un yesterday and is still keeping her distance from the others,

                  I will check her legs, but When I picked her up couldnt see anything off hand. She is a black/gold colour, so what should I look for

                  Her behaviour is odd, she is hiding away, seems to be laying and yesterday she seemed to be breathing heavy, had her beak open quite a bit and making this squarking noise

                  any thoughts, should I worm them as a matter of cause and what would gapeworm do


                  • #10
                    gapeworm will kill her - bluntly sorry too tired to do diplomacy (not that i'm good at it anyways!)

                    Signs of gapeworm - gaping, shortness of breath, shaking of head, loss of appetite and/or loss of condition. The bird can make a sort of snickety coughing sound (sorry only way I can describe it)

                    It is a member of the normal nematode worm family and is treated with worming remedies, in all other animals gape worm is refered to as lungworm and is treated with Ivermec, almost positive that flubenvet says for treatment of gapeworm on the side of the pack!!
                    My Blog


                    • #11
                      Id get all your hens on flubenvet asap .Best price i could find is from £12.50 free P&P, i get mine from them . Intill she is better 'best spray her with anti peck spray
                      Hope she is better soon

                      Hythe kent allotments


                      • #12

                        £12.01 inc p&p and received day after order placed Animal Medicines
                        If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                        • #13
                          does Verm-X do the same job as I have this in my local farmers store - what about egg withdrawl on either of these products


                          • #14
                            I would put something on the wounded comb as well as hens will peck relentlessly at a wound. Something smelly but healing like germoline.
                            I did this to a bantam chick who was being pecked to death by his siblings. He had the last laugh though, they are in the deep freeze whilst he is strutting round the garden with his girls!


                            • #15
                              the comb is now healed so its just a case of finding out the reason for omlet looking so sad.

                              I will get them wormed asap -

                              is there egg withdrawl for either products


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