Did a cock swap with a breeder in Norfolk today (one of my cream legbars for one of her Welsummers). Went down with the carrier and my OH. Resolved not to come back with anything except a cock. Then OH takes a fancy to some Minorca youngsters (they were pretty smart I have to say) .................... I think you can guess the rest!
Just the one pullet though. Just to lay some nice white eggs to go in my coloured boxes next Spring.
Note for Snadger: The lady I got the pullet from said she has never had trouble with frostbite on the comb, ever. So you may not need to worry about yours.
Just the one pullet though. Just to lay some nice white eggs to go in my coloured boxes next Spring.
Note for Snadger: The lady I got the pullet from said she has never had trouble with frostbite on the comb, ever. So you may not need to worry about yours.