My neighbour got his chooks on Wednesday and they have settled in well to their new home/run. The run is 7' high, with the house about 2 - 3' high. Most of the roof of the run is covered. At 0630am he looked out of his window to see all four birds sat on the last roof strut, looking out onto the road, saying hello to everyone going past! 
We think they got onto the roof of their house, but how they got up the rest of the gap, up onto the roof is a mystery!
Any ideas?
It certainly gave me a giggle and a funny start to the day!
PS He's now covered up the gap, needless to say.

We think they got onto the roof of their house, but how they got up the rest of the gap, up onto the roof is a mystery!
Any ideas?
It certainly gave me a giggle and a funny start to the day!
PS He's now covered up the gap, needless to say.