Do your girls and boys have names? If so, what names have you chosen and why?
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Naming your chooks
We kept a few chickens in the back garden when I was a child. My favourite was Henrietta, but I can't remember if the others had names. A friend of mine has chickens now, and her little boy was allowed to name two of them. He chose "Olive" and "Sonic Wind" - he's six years old!!
Yes all of ours have names (well except the food ones)
Their names depend on who has giventhem to them - if Mike names them then they get silly names like tikka and nugget. If chrlotte names them then she tends to go for things like willow, summer, daffodil (typical 10 yr old girl) but of course my names are the best - i have a trio called nick and bok and glory and a pair called sherbet and dib dab!
There are four of us and four hens, so we named one each according to the colour of their leg rings (which we needed at first to tell them apart!) ... Bridget, Gertrude, Roberta (Bobby) and Yolande (Yoda)
I named my latest girls on a theme of "Last of the summer wine" - so we have Aunty Wainwright, Nora Batty, Pearl and Edie! Previous ones have been by colour - Rusty Snowball and Bloo, the ex-batts had whatever suited them - Yolko, Doris, Blondie, Hatty, Squeaky, QT, Nora, Geri, Ginger, Pippy-long-stocking(a bit whimsical that one!) and then theres Amber the white Amber Link and Chuckles the great big old Speckledy.
Lizzie, Nugget, Nando, Meeny are no longer with us
Noodle, Eeny, Miney, Mo, Petal, Sky, Road Runner and Storm and the unnamed chicks hatchingNever test the depth of the water with both feet
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
We've four hens and our girls are called, Marilyn, Nigella, Delia and Clarissa!Mr TK's blog:
2nd Jan early tomato sowing.
Video build your own Poly-tunnel
I started naming my hens flower and plant names, Myrtle, Hazel, Daisy, Rose, Ivy, Petunia, Hyacinth, Lavender, Holly, Bluebell, Marigold, Pansy, Poppy, Honeysuckle. Then I got the "Bluebell" cockerel and called him Basil, so then went off at a tangent and called 2 of the new Bluebell girls Sybil and Polly. Granddaughter named one Butterfly (why?) and Marjorie just seemed to fit the other one. The Wellies are Rowan, Aspen, Petal, Hebe and Olive. The Jersey Giant (JG) is now Jennifer Grey (even though she's black and hoping she's a she) and the Black Minorca is Alice (and hoping she doesn't turn into an Albert!)My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there
Our ISA's are just "the girls",but then we decided to get a couple of different girls that we could regard as pets...cue Dandelion & Marigold.(named by Daisy)
The first hatch we only named two in case of boys...sods law "Pip" was a boy,but he now has a home and "Tiny" was a particularly tiny sibling amongst her Norfolk Grey brothers & sisters.
We're in the process of naming the known girls from that far we think "Dolly" for the Buff Orpington(but we're still not totally confident that we've got one boy & one girl???they really are very tricky to sex) and Flossy for one of the CL's and I think Daisy wants the other one to be Blossom(at the moment they are refferred to as the friendly one & the not so friendly one)
Boo is so called because everyone thought I should call him Boobie...having been kept warm in my bra,but we didn't really fancy being at the lottie calling Boobie so abbreviated it...also when he suddenly flopped out of the egg,after hours of pipping it was like a sudden "Boo"!His little(or actually rather large)playmate is named by Ash.Not sure it really suits her,but I don't think I've got any say in changing it.(just realised I've still not posted a pic,will try & get onto it today)
the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.
Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx
Gawd, well CB knows all of them apart so they have names that I don't use cause those I can't tell apart (mostly the ambers) The first batch had Dawn (cause she was the only fat one) amongst various names, we have a Chocolate, then the posh birds are; Silver, Star, Feisty, Jade, Aggie, Christie, Atilla, Kokohaexa (native American for Chicken), and so onHayley B
John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'
An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life
Well Coco and Elvis were named in a vine competition when Lynda hatched them. The Marans girls are named after Disc World witches, Esme, Gytha etc, and the Rhodies are Disc World's Mrs Palm and the Agony Aunts (Dotsie, Sadie and Rosie) Their cockerel is Sir Samuel and the two Gold Tops were named Autumn and Audrey by OH (they're gold, their names begin Au, yawn, never marry a chemist)Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.
When I call "come on Girlie gals" even the boys come a -running!!
Betty, Bertha,Alice and Pheasant( looks like one) are the first gals- with Paxo and Au Vin for the cockerels.
Tippy toes is the next gal- she looked like pheasant and Bertha but has pink toenails as opposed to brown.
Pinguwas the only black and white baby gal we've had with my kids naming the other 2 gals from the second hatching Lily and Beyonce (BB)
The other 5 lads sort of picked up names of Bitbot and Turkey but they'll go in the freezer soon
Must say- I'm very impressed with names other peeps come up with- I'm nothing like as inventive"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
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