Well I went to Carlisle Rare Breed Sale on Saturday, just for a look! After all there were 37 breeds of LF and 27 breeds of bantams, plus colour variations.
I did want a pair of Cream Legbars (prices permitting) and a pair of Silver Sussex.
Wow there were some gorgeous birds, one pair of blue partridge Brahma were catching everyones eyes, they sold for �110.
Sadly the nicest Ssussex were from the same breeder as my original trio and fetched too much for me, but I did get a pair of legbars and the nice guy from the auction popped them in the back of my car. But when I go home and unloaded them they had turned into 3 pairs? And the brahma x that Id gone ahhh at were there too! They said they just followed the nice man to my car and hopped in when he wasn't looking....here they are with my SSuss cockeral Snadger and one of the Legbar cocks and the smallest legbar hen who is a completely different colour to the other two
I did want a pair of Cream Legbars (prices permitting) and a pair of Silver Sussex.
Wow there were some gorgeous birds, one pair of blue partridge Brahma were catching everyones eyes, they sold for �110.
