Our Cream Legbar pullet that lost the use of a leg over a month ago has (with time, effort, physio and splinting) now started putting weight on the leg and is walking a few steps. All very good as she was a lost hope a while back practically losing the use of the second leg in the process cause she was so weak - we think it was caused by Atilla 
Anyway we still have a problem Houston...
Her foot has clawed so she walks on the top of her "ankle". I'm getting some pipe cleaners tomorrow hoping to splint and force the foot into a normal position to ease her walking for now and hoping that the tendons and ligaments reset themselves even if it takes a few weeks to do so.
I'm gonna do it whatever anyone says cause she has fought so hard to get here and is not in pain and deserves a chance, she has earned it over the last few weeks alone. But I just wondered if anyone has had this happen and whether it sorted for them in the end or not.
Or is there some other idea that might improve matters sooner.
Thanks everyone...

Anyway we still have a problem Houston...
Her foot has clawed so she walks on the top of her "ankle". I'm getting some pipe cleaners tomorrow hoping to splint and force the foot into a normal position to ease her walking for now and hoping that the tendons and ligaments reset themselves even if it takes a few weeks to do so.
I'm gonna do it whatever anyone says cause she has fought so hard to get here and is not in pain and deserves a chance, she has earned it over the last few weeks alone. But I just wondered if anyone has had this happen and whether it sorted for them in the end or not.
Or is there some other idea that might improve matters sooner.
Thanks everyone...