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New Arrivals - pics


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  • New Arrivals - pics

    Two gone, five added..

    Heres the pics..

    I want guesses on what breed they are and how much theyre worth... then i'll tell you what they were sold to me as and for..

    Settling in well... fingers crossed...
    Attached Files
    When all the world is moving too fast, sit in the garden and watch it whizz past... The good life..

  • #2
    They look like chooks to me lol

    All jokes aside, I just go for what I likes and if the egg colour is what I want, even better! sorry don't know the breeds well. They're beautiful girls btw
    Never test the depth of the water with both feet

    The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

    Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


    • #3
      Well I've had a few glasses of wine but will have a bash .................

      pic no 1 lemon sablepoot? No idea of sex
      pic no 2 Welsummer pullet but pic taken into the sun so a tad tricky
      pic no 3 some sort of cochin cross? pullet
      pic no 4 another sablepoot although bad example of feathering - the blocky colouring on wings and tail would rule out showing if it is a pure breed
      pic no 5 not Welsummer as ruff feathering not correct but similar

      Have no idea what you would have paid for them though.
      So, have I got it totally wrong????? Am I about to embarass myself??


      • #4
        They're lovely Smoggy.
        Woo hoo I got lemon Sablepoot for no.1 too, but I also thought 3 and 4 were Sablepoots.

        They're all girls Richmond.

        I can tell because Smoggy took two Cockerels back last week to swap for gels
        If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


        • #5
          Very well done... lol

          You are clever... a close guess would of been 5 heinz varieties..

          But as listed

          LemonSablepoot and Light Sussex cross pics 1 & 4 same bird

          Number 3 is supposedly a Light Sussex and Cochen cross?

          Other 3 are supposedly Welsummer pullet crosses..

          Price paid in full with commission for the lot was �11.20 - is that good? Dunno but I liked em..

          With regards ECO's comment on females only - that was my intention, and I brought in numerous seasoned hands before bidding to double check.. but since getting home I am starting to have my doubts about the Cochin cross - hope i'm wrong...

          More pics below
          Attached Files
          When all the world is moving too fast, sit in the garden and watch it whizz past... The good life..


          • #6
            I was gonna say cross of some sort, sablepoot or pekin, knew they weren't pure or if they were they are very bad samples (sorry smoggy no offence meant)

            I have to say though hun I am starting to notice a pattern developing and its a little worrying - take 2 to market to sell and return with 5 new additions!! Did you not get a very good grade in maths at school or are you trying to push your 15 boundary??

            Have to say it depends on ages but I have my suspicions about sex!! if it was a pure cochin I would be placeing my money on boy but then again if it was a pure LS then def a girl so it is gonna depend on where it is getting its genetic make up from!! Others are looking pretty safe on being girls.

            Mixed cross boxes at auction usually fetch around �2 per bird so you paid about right.
            My Blog


            • #7
              Oh btw - lovely birds - love the cochin cross - but then I would!!!
              My Blog


              • #8
                Cheers Bramble... relieved to hear they are what they say on the tin, despite added

                Fingers crossed on the one doubt, but hopefully it will lay before it crows...

                Price was about right - so happy again - but 2 cocks I took back look destined for the pot.. Regular buyer of all the cocks took em..

                Im up to 14 now, built an extra coop and extended run - so they'll live together but sleep apart for now - and as long as im there to supervise it should be ok... Today was fine when i got back, just the odd nip here and there but hardly anything really.

                My favourite of the bunch is definitely... pic 4

                Also a few of our Rabbits so they dont fell

                Big white fella is CHAI (Rhymes with Sky)
                And he's girlfriend is the Beautiful Bella..
                Gave us 18 gorgeous coloured babies before I had he's walnuts cracked..
                Attached Files
                When all the world is moving too fast, sit in the garden and watch it whizz past... The good life..


                • #9
                  I love Chai, he reminds me of my 1st bunny. I agree you hen is lovely, shes not gonna get very big though but has that look of I'm gonna rule the roost about her!!
                  My Blog


                  • #10
                    ( dwarf?)Mini lop laddie ...and his Mrs....lovely colouring!

                    nice chooks too!- love their feathered feet!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      I see Chai is more interested in his dinner than his Mrs
                      If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                      • #12
                        Lovely pics, glad to hear they are settling in well


                        • #13
                          Oh cute.
                          As expected I've fallen for the feathery feet. I like no3 best though.
                          Got one of those other chooks too lol..heres Toffee.
                          Attached Files
                          Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                          • #14
                            Lol thank you all, Chai will need he's own agent soon... Hilly toffee is gorgeous...

                            Chooks all happy, hope you are all well..

                            Gotta run
                            When all the world is moving too fast, sit in the garden and watch it whizz past... The good life..


                            • #15
                              to the chook run ?
                              Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                              The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                              Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


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