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  • Eggsplosian

    Hello All

    I had a bit of a strange one last night. I went to turn the eggs I have in the incubator they have been in 3 days and one of them and exploded the top was off and yolk was everywhere it smelt a bit not too much and had white whispy bits in it. Any ideas

  • #2
    Sounds like a much older egg. Any chance that one could have been hanging about for a couple of weeks?
    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


    • #3
      I bought them of eBAY so every chance


      • #4
        one of my neighbours has chickens and also a cockerel. do you think it owuld be cheeky if i asked her to swap half a dozen of my eggs for some of her, likely to be, fertilised ones?


        • #5
          You can always ask it never hurts.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scottishnewbie View Post
            one of my neighbours has chickens and also a cockerel. do you think it owuld be cheeky if i asked her to swap half a dozen of my eggs for some of her, likely to be, fertilised ones?
   thinking of having babbies?????...woo- hoo!!!
            ..go for it!- I'd swap mine for unfertilised eggs
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              is this a daft time though? i dont have a broody. should i wait till spring so that anything that did hatch got a chance?


              • #8
                I'd wait til Spring if it's your first time.
                I've been really tempted to put off culling one of our Legbars & giving him a bit of time with the girls,but in reality I don't really fancy chicks in the house over winter.They are very cute & fluffy,but also get a little(change that to lot!)smelly.Before they were going outside during the day I was cleaning them out twice a day and now they go out once a day.Our living room is still filled with the aroma of chook poo!I imagine it can only get worse with central heating on & windows open for shorter periods of time!
                Also,as the weather gets colder & wetter it will be longer that they need to stay indoors.

                Spring's not so far off!!!
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #9
                  You don't have to have a broody, and hens won't really go broody at this time of year. Even my lot have finally stopped, and they will brood for England!

                  The hatchlings will need heat though so do you want the expense of getting in heat lamps, brooding box etc and the hassle of having them inside for a few weeks? That's the downside. Otherwise you have the fun of hand rearing. Your choice!

                  Make sure your neighbour's cock is still "active" though. He may be moulting too and therefore not feeling up for action! So her eggs may not be fertile either.


                  • #10
           answer to the question about swapping eggs...I don't think it's cheeky at all.
                    We plan on doing it next year...some of our infertile for someone's fertile Aracauna!
                    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                    • #11
                      Agree with the smelly part Di. Up to about 2 weeks they are ok, then start to pong, despite daily cleaning. OK if you can keep them in a shed, but not in the house.


                      • #12
                        What about the egg explosion anyone else had this


                        • #13
                          that's decided me then! i'll wait till spring i think. OH would go mental if they were in the house AND smelly! i think he can cope with one or t'other but not both.....AND I've just got him to agree to us getting a couple of pigs next spring so i guess i dont want to push my luck TOO much!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by walldanzig View Post
                            What about the egg explosion anyone else had this
                            Sorry easy to get sidetracked!

                            Thankfully I've not had it happen,but was warned that very occasionally it does,so spent the entire 21 days dreading it!

                            Not sure why it happens...sorry!
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              oh, soryy waldanzig!! i completely forgot this was your thread! that was really cheeky of me - didnt mean it honest! hope you get an answer....


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