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do chickens like being picked up?


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  • do chickens like being picked up?

    hi all

    opinions wanted on this please, although my girls let me if i can catch them, pick them up i am sure they would rather i didnt!! they are not frightened of me as they feed out of my hand and are very tame, will climb on my lap for grapes, come into house and sit on kitchen floor, drink out of dogs water bowl, look in fridge etc, but i am sure they dont really like to be picked up.

    any opinions on this?

  • #2
    Some do, some don't. Some of my ex-batts will actually jump into my arms for a cuddle and a bit of petting, but others, mostly the Wellies and the Bluebelles run away when I get a bit too close for their comfort. They're ok once I've got them though
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Ive only had my girls 3 weeks and make sure we have a cuddle every day. They seem to love it. Its good for me too, as I used to be frightened of birds who flapped their wings near me! They seem to like cuddling down into my arms and being stroked.
      Bernie aka DDL

      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


      • #4
        Chooks are like people, some are sociable and others not
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        • #5
          Some of the flighty Spanish breeds don't like being picked up at all methinks. I also think that it makes a difference if you rear a chick from an egg or an early age. All of my hand reared chooks including the cockerels will eat out of my hand!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            I don't think mine actually like being picked up, but they settle into my arms once I've done the fowl deed They're Orpington bantams which are apparently a very placid breed.

            One has jumped into my open hand a couple of times and another has jumped onto my knee so perhaps they prefer to choose when to be cuddled.

            I need to get used to how they feel and look close up though so I try to to pick them up every couple of days (I'm mean like that)
            If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


            • #7
              I believe this is very breed specific...dependant on the flightiness of the bird and the social interaction it's had as a young'un!

              My Faverolles all love being picked up - no doubt about it. They snuggle in to you like a baby and purr like a's quite amazing, but they are a teddy bear bird...and very docile (plus I've had them from 10 wks). My Marans on the other hand aren't as keen....Bertha will jump up on my lap and follow me around, but doesn't particularly like being held. Mavis is a maniac, although a little better since I let her go broody and hatch her own chicks. She's more hand tame now, but doesn't enjoy being held at all...and makes a lot of noise to ensure I know this. (I didn't get those girls until they were around 16-17 wks and laying).

              The Araucana chicks that I've hatched funnily enough aren't as friendly as I thought they'd be. Partially because I've deliberately distanced myself from them on the off chance they may be boys, and need to be culled. However, the definite girls have been getting petted a bit more now, and they're coming on leaps and bounds...some even jump on to my back to get attention. They're ok with being held...but none of them enjoy it as much as the Favs!

              So...short answer....(not that I'm good at short answers) depends on the gal!
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              • #8
                Whether they like it or not, they have to be picked up to be inspected for parasites anyway. So, a chook that is used to being handled will object less when it has to be picked up. We have really tame ones that tolerate being carted around by my children, and ones that are flighty and wild. But even the wild ones can be handled at night, plucked off the roost for inspection. All birds naturally however don't really "like" being picked up, they just put up with it - more or less depending on how much they trust whoever is handling them.


                • #9
                  Or how much corn they might be compensated with
                  If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bephlam View Post
                    I believe this is very breed specific...dependant on the flightiness of the bird and the social interaction it's had as a young'un!

                    My Faverolles all love being picked up - no doubt about it. They snuggle in to you like a baby and purr like a's quite amazing, but they are a teddy bear bird...and very docile (plus I've had them from 10 wks). .............................................................................................................................
                    My faverolle cockerel could be classed as a purr-er as well Beph. It must be inherant in the breed? He's also a big softy............... (just like me!)
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • #11
                      We did have one (cockerel, Cochin) which gave every indication of actually LIKING to be picked up. We called him Cuddles.....
                      He used to perch on a large box at 'holding' height, but only when we were close enough to pick him up for a cuddle. If we didn't notice, he would 'comment'.
                      I can't honestly say that it is 'normal' for a chook to enjoy being picked up, but some of them get to seeing it as worth it for the rewards (extra corn etc?).
                      Last edited by Hilary B; 06-10-2009, 09:15 PM.
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #12
                        I think it just depends . Some of the first chooks I hatched were handled daily from hatching, they played hell at first, but soon accepted it, altough I wouldnt say they enjoyed it. Now theyre all adults half of them dont mind being picked up, half run off but settle as soon as theyre grabbed. But two actually come and climb up things to walk along my arm and settle in for a snuggle. One of the three black plymouth rock banties I bought runs up sits on my feet and if I pick her up will cheerfully snuggle while I walk round and do jobs one handed She hangs on like mad when I try to put her down. The other two dont mind but prefer not. The Brahma x boy prefers not, the girl stands and waits when I bend down to her and quickly settles, but only for a short fuss, then hints its time to go by wriggling.
                        But they all love company. If Im working round the buildings all the chooks are never far away, and keep coming over for a 'chat'. And I have to look behind me before I turn round or step back or I fall over Sid (the gander) as he follows me like a dog But Im not trying to cuddle him..I'd have a
                        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                          Some of the flighty Spanish breeds don't like being picked up at all methinks. I also think that it makes a difference if you rear a chick from an egg or an early age. All of my hand reared chooks including the cockerels will eat out of my hand!
                          I think Boo may possibly be on the way to becoming the exception to this rule!
                          The first few weeks he was the most sociable little soon as he knew I was in the room begging to be cuddled....however,he now runs off as soon as I open the hatch & has that look in his eyes of "Come any closer & I'm gonna get you!"
                          Having experience of Norfolk Greys though and reading up about Marans(his cross)I don't think it's any great surprise!
                          He's fine if things are on his terms though & will still often jump on my shoulder & just sit,but as soon as I try to do the picking up,he's not a happy chappy!
                          Last edited by di; 07-10-2009, 08:10 AM.
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • #14
                            Out of my three cream legbars, one seems to like being picked up for a cuddle, and the other two most definitely don't. I agree it's a good tip to keep them accustomed to it anyway though - tempting though it is to just cuddle the cuddly ones and leave the others in peace.


                            • #15
                              Mine are all used to being picked up - whether they like it or not. It's essential to check them over for ill health, mites, etc. Some make more noise about it than others, but once I have them they usually calm down quickly and submit to the 'treatments' I have in store for them.
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