She seems livelier this morning- and rather than cowering in a box under the shelf she was under the hanging feeder- yup- head upside down- but came rushing out after the others!
I went to the vet yesterday and he 'gave' me another 24 days worth of antibiotics...just in case!!!!
He said it certainly sounds like Vertigo due to an ear infection- and unlikely to be any mites etc in her ear as she's not scratching- and hardly head shaking.
When the 3 lads are dispatched tonight she'll not be picked on - the others have all been fine with her- so fingers crossed!
We're likely to be in the UK very soon- and the chook carer is happy to carry on giving her the antibiotics whilst we're away.
We'll review her the day before we go ..... ( but at this rate I'm hopeful)
It's strange cos she holds her head tipped to the side a if she's cricked her neck- but is easily able to stretch and bend her neck to groom both sides of the base of her tail. ( without falling over now too!!!
I'm glad I've not given up (yet)...and thank you Eco-chick- you mentioning a second or 3rd courses of antibiotics has given me extra hope!!!
She seems livelier this morning- and rather than cowering in a box under the shelf she was under the hanging feeder- yup- head upside down- but came rushing out after the others!
I went to the vet yesterday and he 'gave' me another 24 days worth of antibiotics...just in case!!!!

He said it certainly sounds like Vertigo due to an ear infection- and unlikely to be any mites etc in her ear as she's not scratching- and hardly head shaking.
When the 3 lads are dispatched tonight she'll not be picked on - the others have all been fine with her- so fingers crossed!
We're likely to be in the UK very soon- and the chook carer is happy to carry on giving her the antibiotics whilst we're away.
We'll review her the day before we go ..... ( but at this rate I'm hopeful)
It's strange cos she holds her head tipped to the side a if she's cricked her neck- but is easily able to stretch and bend her neck to groom both sides of the base of her tail. ( without falling over now too!!!

I'm glad I've not given up (yet)...and thank you Eco-chick- you mentioning a second or 3rd courses of antibiotics has given me extra hope!!!
