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Hiring incubators


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  • #16
    when we use our incy I set up a chart for my little boy and he becomes the Incubator Manager. He diligently turns and ticks the chart...loves it! It was very nice for him to actually raise the chicks afterwards too - our broodies never let him (or me!) anywhere near the little ones. I hope to hatch Freisian Fowl next year and am planning to bring in some lovely new colours into the UK. Hatching time will just be soooo exciting


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bramble-Poultry View Post
      we generally always use an incubator as we need to be able to plan who hatches what and when - however - as some of you know, despite our best efforts in hatching turkeys (we have increased the rare breed ones by nearly 14 alone) the hen went and slid off with a few eggs and did it herself!

      she sat on 6 in total, one was infertile and the rest hatched. two died soon after hatching, one died a day later due to the cold manky weather (at least we dont get that issue with incubators) but the other two are going strong. Mum AND Dad are looking after the young ones, the stag even took it in turns to sit on the eggs.

      Andi&Di, you are right, for predictability and surity of hatch, then its artificial incubation all the way, for educational and observation reasons, then leaving the hen with the chicks is something else altogether.

      The Turkey may have only reared two chicks out of 6, but she is showing great promised as a mother and i will definately let her go broody again. Never had a bronze go broody, perhaps being an old traditional breed rather than commercial she still has some instincts left???
      One of my first (white) turkeys went broody a couple of times. Momma turkey is as dangerous as momma bear! First time she only hatched one (but reared it OK), second time (when we had the bronze stag) she hatched 8, but I can't remember what happened after that (except that we had to catch them and put them in a coop, and she was NOT keen on having her babies collected!).
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #18
        Shame you weren't closer as I have a few incys for hire. You can buy them from any small holding supplies shop and I'd agree to buying new and not second hand. You know then you've got a warranty!
        All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
        For a cleaner, greener future!


        • #19
          Pity you don't live in Devon, I have a spare and could have given you a lend.


          • #20
            Thank you for those kind offers, its a bit too far to jump in the landrover and collect. I will keep looking locally.


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