Our cocks we hatched have been earmarked for food. I never thought I'd be able to dispatch and prepare one but it was a lot easier (and tastier) than I expected. The stock from boiling the bones was first rate, the kidneys, livers etc. were fed to the cat. Next time I do it though I am going to do three as doing one was just too fiddly.
We try to give away any cocks to good homes (we've homed 2 this year). I definitely think utility breeds are the way forward, our faverolles may not lay themselves silly like hybrids but the cocks have a fair amount of meat on.
I dont suppose anyone wants a Fav or Mottled leghorn cock?
We try to give away any cocks to good homes (we've homed 2 this year). I definitely think utility breeds are the way forward, our faverolles may not lay themselves silly like hybrids but the cocks have a fair amount of meat on.
I dont suppose anyone wants a Fav or Mottled leghorn cock?
