well i see that Jen has made her blatant plug for rehoming cockerels, but as you (redthorn) mention above, the breeders and suppliers of poultry and eggs also (in my mind) have a duty to take back any unwanted birds (cocks or hens) that people cant deal with.
We have always (and always will) accept back any cockerels that hatch that are unwanted, and (boy are we daft) we will take and and find homes for any unwanted poultry (be they hens or cocks). If we pick up cockerels we will do our best to intergrate them into our breeding flocks, if not, then we will try and find homes for them.
I have never yet dispatched a cockerel given to us for rehoming, as that (in my mind) would be a breach of confidence. If someone asked me to cull one for them, i would first try and rehome it or intergrate, taking the culling as a last resort.
we have plenty of cockerels here, and some are destined to do great things in our breeding programmes with all sorts of plans for Dorking crosses, light sussex crosses and indian game crosses, not to mention some experimentation to create an olive egg layer here from scratch. We know that these experiements will throw up surpluc birds and we are geared up for that.
this is the true message behind richmonds comment - know what you are going to do with them before they even hatch or dont bother...............otherwise they become "someone else's problem"
We have always (and always will) accept back any cockerels that hatch that are unwanted, and (boy are we daft) we will take and and find homes for any unwanted poultry (be they hens or cocks). If we pick up cockerels we will do our best to intergrate them into our breeding flocks, if not, then we will try and find homes for them.
I have never yet dispatched a cockerel given to us for rehoming, as that (in my mind) would be a breach of confidence. If someone asked me to cull one for them, i would first try and rehome it or intergrate, taking the culling as a last resort.
we have plenty of cockerels here, and some are destined to do great things in our breeding programmes with all sorts of plans for Dorking crosses, light sussex crosses and indian game crosses, not to mention some experimentation to create an olive egg layer here from scratch. We know that these experiements will throw up surpluc birds and we are geared up for that.
this is the true message behind richmonds comment - know what you are going to do with them before they even hatch or dont bother...............otherwise they become "someone else's problem"