Hello everyone, will just introduce myself quickly before asking hundreds of questions!! Mr Darcy by the way is the name of our cockerell, we thought he was a she (at four weeks when we got 'her'...)and so she started off as Darcy Bussel
...anyway...we're the proud owners of MR Darcy, Scarlet O'Hara and until this morning, Indiana Jones
that's what i'm coming too, I found her dead in the nest box this morning. she was 24 wks had started laying ten days ago and laid double yolked eggs every two days, the eggs were rather large, do you think TOO large i.e Egg bound? the last three days she didn't lay, and had lost a few feathers on her back, apart from that seemed ok. I feel so sad, having to hide it from my daughter today as it's her birthday
we live in france it's rained continuously for the last week and the hens are always out and about even in the rain, I feed them corn and layers mix, the rest is their own forage. does anyone know what could have killed her? i examined her when I found her, very messy bum, but no blood or egg visible. Oh dear, poor thing...

we live in france it's rained continuously for the last week and the hens are always out and about even in the rain, I feed them corn and layers mix, the rest is their own forage. does anyone know what could have killed her? i examined her when I found her, very messy bum, but no blood or egg visible. Oh dear, poor thing...