I've now got 29 hens and three cockerels. The three large cockerels, a Faverolle,Light Sussex and Silver Sussex have been together since birth and have established a pecking order among themselves so they only have an odd squabble but it's usually just 'handbags'.......
They are in a rather large run and coop which could be better utilised with more birds.
I really fancy pairing off each cockerel with his own Harim of laydees!
The problems I envisage are that if for some reason it doesn't work out there is no way I will be able to put them back together again without them killing each other.
Another worry is that theoretically all my eggs could then be fertile. Will this make a difference to my customers and does it effect the egg quality?
No good having 29 eggs a day if no one wants them!
Another worry is that I am unsure about one of my Minorca's which hasn't crowed yet, but if it is a male, the cockerel I intend introducing (beautiful big bird but aggressive as hell!) will deffo kill it!
The planned split will give the Light Sussex 15 Laydees, the Faverolle 8 Laydees and the Silver Sussex 6 laydees. These numbers are dictated by the area's I have proposed for them.
Your views please!
They are in a rather large run and coop which could be better utilised with more birds.
I really fancy pairing off each cockerel with his own Harim of laydees!
The problems I envisage are that if for some reason it doesn't work out there is no way I will be able to put them back together again without them killing each other.
Another worry is that theoretically all my eggs could then be fertile. Will this make a difference to my customers and does it effect the egg quality?

No good having 29 eggs a day if no one wants them!

Another worry is that I am unsure about one of my Minorca's which hasn't crowed yet, but if it is a male, the cockerel I intend introducing (beautiful big bird but aggressive as hell!) will deffo kill it!

The planned split will give the Light Sussex 15 Laydees, the Faverolle 8 Laydees and the Silver Sussex 6 laydees. These numbers are dictated by the area's I have proposed for them.

Your views please!