Been hatching (sorry) this plot for a while. Finaly today I headed up the good ol M6 with my long suffering pal Lin for company. At Carlisle the deed was done, met up with Bephlam and Liz, there were not so furtive scrabbings in respective cars, much to the entertainment of passers by, who wanted to know if this was a bring your own dinner day at the marts caff. And Festher moved from Lothian to Cumbria, poor little so'n'so. Actualy he was last seen looking slightly shocked, snuggled up to Moonshadow, my fluffy ebay special. 
Hes a seriously cool customer, snoozed all the way home in the dog cage, except for when Lin had to anchor up sharpish,looked over her shoulder and said "sorry Festher" only to get given a rather sharp "bok bok..mutter, mutter, mutter"
which could only translate as "huh, just watch your driving..women drivers I don't know"

Hes a seriously cool customer, snoozed all the way home in the dog cage, except for when Lin had to anchor up sharpish,looked over her shoulder and said "sorry Festher" only to get given a rather sharp "bok bok..mutter, mutter, mutter"
