I'm feeling really sad today as I've had to have one of my favourite old ex-batts put to sleep this morning. She's been with me almost 2 years.
She was quite unwell a few months ago when she moulted but rallied really well - red comb, full feathers and very perky. She'd always been one who enjoyed human contact and spent a lot of time on my shoulder or sitting on my lap. Over the last few days I noticed the dreaded "waddle" so was not really surprised this morning when she had trouble standing. Took her straight to the vet who put her to sleep straight away. She was amazed how calm she was when being handled and I'm not sure if she believed me when I told her she'd been eating meal worms on the car journey!
RIP Hattie - I'll miss you little pal.
She was quite unwell a few months ago when she moulted but rallied really well - red comb, full feathers and very perky. She'd always been one who enjoyed human contact and spent a lot of time on my shoulder or sitting on my lap. Over the last few days I noticed the dreaded "waddle" so was not really surprised this morning when she had trouble standing. Took her straight to the vet who put her to sleep straight away. She was amazed how calm she was when being handled and I'm not sure if she believed me when I told her she'd been eating meal worms on the car journey!
RIP Hattie - I'll miss you little pal.
