It's finally happened!One of our "chicks" that we hatched(or rather Dandelion & Marigold hatched
)laid her very first,tiny little egg today!
It was a really yuk morning to be going out in the dark,wet & miserable weather,but all made perfectly well worthwhile when I looked in their coop to not only find an egg from Dandelion,but also a teensy weensy one from,I can only assume,the newly named "Dazzle".
What's strange is that up until Sunday,both the Norfolk Greys were the least friendly of them went anywhere near them & they ran!Yet on Sunday,when they were free ranging,she kept hunting us down & hovering around us....even ate from my hand & let me pick her up for cuddles.
This morning,when I went in the coop,all the others were busy eating their brekkie,yet Dazzle came into the coop to check on what I was up to!
I felt a little guilty but after picking her up & giving her a big kiss & a hug I think she possibly forgave me for stealing her little piece of magic!.....I hope!
I'm so happy & proud that what was just an egg in Spring has grown into a beautiful chook that's laid her very first egg!

It was a really yuk morning to be going out in the dark,wet & miserable weather,but all made perfectly well worthwhile when I looked in their coop to not only find an egg from Dandelion,but also a teensy weensy one from,I can only assume,the newly named "Dazzle".
What's strange is that up until Sunday,both the Norfolk Greys were the least friendly of them went anywhere near them & they ran!Yet on Sunday,when they were free ranging,she kept hunting us down & hovering around us....even ate from my hand & let me pick her up for cuddles.
This morning,when I went in the coop,all the others were busy eating their brekkie,yet Dazzle came into the coop to check on what I was up to!

I'm so happy & proud that what was just an egg in Spring has grown into a beautiful chook that's laid her very first egg!
