I made some of Brambles hanging feeders, but with slight variations. Base 10l paint tub, cut to 1 inchish high, top 3k horse supplement tub or 5l mayo tub from cafe (free
). Cut round holes in sides of 3k tub at base level (vary size according to how fast you want feed to come out hold together with short nut'n'bolt through both. Lid stops em getting feed out the top and keeps it dry until they peck it out and you can hang it about half way down the neck level to stop the twits reaching up with a foot and scratting it out. Mine soon got used, but..the bigger cockerals soon clicked that i kept them full and just spent all day standing eating
. So now i just stick in one day at a time, but put a few out so everyone can get in easy. Assume 6 adult birds roughly to each feeder. I fill em at night and stack em up in a dustbin ready for morning.
