On the back of Petal's recent post - I just wanted to 'file' something about coxoid usage for chicks with cocci for other chook keepers.
You can buy medicated chick crumb as a preventative measure for your chicks. If your chicks still get cocci (classic signs are hunching and blood in faeces) then they will need to be treated. Any easy way to treat is to use coxoid which is regularly used by pigeon fanciers. You can buy it over the internet (roughly about �7) and you should see an improvement within 24hrs. IF YOU HAVE USED MEDICATED CHICK CRUMB YOU NEED TO TAKE CHICKS OFF OF THIS, IF YOU ARE USING COXOID (the crumbs already have an anti-cocci medication in it). Coxiod is added to water and needs to be given for 7 days.
It is imp to clean daily when you have cocci chicks indoors and if outdoors, to move growers onto fresh ground.
Coixoid can be harsh on the chicks insides - giving live yogurt, oregano and a boosted diet can help.
Hygiene is everything as cocci is easily transferable. It is always best to see to your healthy stock first then your cocci chicks. Clean your hands and clothes. Keep all other animals away.
A quick note about medicated chick crumb - personally I don't use it, as it is quite difficult to find. I just try to keep the chicks stress free, away from wild birds when they are growers and warm when they need to be. I've had the odd flare up but it is easy enough to deal with, if treated asap.
Hope this helps
You can buy medicated chick crumb as a preventative measure for your chicks. If your chicks still get cocci (classic signs are hunching and blood in faeces) then they will need to be treated. Any easy way to treat is to use coxoid which is regularly used by pigeon fanciers. You can buy it over the internet (roughly about �7) and you should see an improvement within 24hrs. IF YOU HAVE USED MEDICATED CHICK CRUMB YOU NEED TO TAKE CHICKS OFF OF THIS, IF YOU ARE USING COXOID (the crumbs already have an anti-cocci medication in it). Coxiod is added to water and needs to be given for 7 days.
It is imp to clean daily when you have cocci chicks indoors and if outdoors, to move growers onto fresh ground.
Coixoid can be harsh on the chicks insides - giving live yogurt, oregano and a boosted diet can help.
Hygiene is everything as cocci is easily transferable. It is always best to see to your healthy stock first then your cocci chicks. Clean your hands and clothes. Keep all other animals away.
A quick note about medicated chick crumb - personally I don't use it, as it is quite difficult to find. I just try to keep the chicks stress free, away from wild birds when they are growers and warm when they need to be. I've had the odd flare up but it is easy enough to deal with, if treated asap.
Hope this helps
