Now I have my coop and run all sorted I am ready after what seems like months...erm that's becuase it has been months to take the plunge and get myself some chickens, I am only after 4 to start with, my wife thinks it would be nice if we all had one each and we do want the children to take an interest and see them as pets and help with the cleaning feeding etc
Anyway the plan is to get 4 we thought maybe 4 differnt types so we could identify our own? or should we get four of the same type and just ring them or should we get 2 and 2?
Would you sugggest we get them from the same supplier?
We would like to get a minimum of 15 eggs per week from our 4 birds more would be great, we also want them to be good as pets?? we have found several suppliers but it's becoming a bit of a minefield as what to get, the price of the bird is not the big issue it's ensuring we get the right type of bird that's fairly easy to look after as we are beginners, good egg layers, and hardy
We have been offered Black Rocks �10 a bird and Sussex Buffs �12.50 a bird from one supplier
3 Bovans Goldlines at �11 and Bovans Nera's at �15 from another supplier
gold lines available at �10 and an assortment of differnet silkies at �20 from another supplier
lightsussex are �10 the blue bells ,whitestars,white leghorns are the same price and blackrocks will be �10 per bird,isabrowns will be �7 from another supplier
Isa Browns which are laying, six months old, they are lovely and �10 each. I also have Holland Black rocks at �12 each lavender aracuanas are 22, Ixworths are 18 white silkies at �30 Black Pekins �20 I also have a young pair of lavender pekins �30 and a pair of white pekins �30 And Rhode Islad Reds �20 all from another supplier
As you can see im a little confused as to what is best and what to get
Anyway the plan is to get 4 we thought maybe 4 differnt types so we could identify our own? or should we get four of the same type and just ring them or should we get 2 and 2?
Would you sugggest we get them from the same supplier?
We would like to get a minimum of 15 eggs per week from our 4 birds more would be great, we also want them to be good as pets?? we have found several suppliers but it's becoming a bit of a minefield as what to get, the price of the bird is not the big issue it's ensuring we get the right type of bird that's fairly easy to look after as we are beginners, good egg layers, and hardy
We have been offered Black Rocks �10 a bird and Sussex Buffs �12.50 a bird from one supplier
3 Bovans Goldlines at �11 and Bovans Nera's at �15 from another supplier
gold lines available at �10 and an assortment of differnet silkies at �20 from another supplier
lightsussex are �10 the blue bells ,whitestars,white leghorns are the same price and blackrocks will be �10 per bird,isabrowns will be �7 from another supplier
Isa Browns which are laying, six months old, they are lovely and �10 each. I also have Holland Black rocks at �12 each lavender aracuanas are 22, Ixworths are 18 white silkies at �30 Black Pekins �20 I also have a young pair of lavender pekins �30 and a pair of white pekins �30 And Rhode Islad Reds �20 all from another supplier
As you can see im a little confused as to what is best and what to get