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Blocked crop again, Poor Omlet


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Eco-Chic View Post

    Please try live mealworms
    Thanks and how long can they be fed mealworms/maggots? does any one know how quickly these things take to work. Actually how many to feed a day?

    I've rang round and a sort of local garden centre does the mealworm in 60g pots for £2.65 ideal as its about 10 minutes away from where my OH goes surfing, so a quick detour I think!!
    Last edited by tlck9; 04-12-2009, 12:34 PM.


    • #17
      Omlet will probably eat as many as you care to give her. They are high protein food so will be good for her. You will probably be more limited by the expense of them. My instinct would be to feed them to her until they've cleaned her crop, but I could very easily be wrong and hope that Bramble or Richmond will be along to advise soon.
      If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


      • #18
        I would be inclined to get an opinion from your vet Tlck. If she has sour crop (squishy and bad breath) it will need to be emptied by someone who knows what they're doing. If the crop is impacted, ie hard and full, and not emptying overnight, then you could try gentle massage, but again if you are not sure what you are doing best to get a professional's advice/help.

        Given that she has had this problem twice now, I suggest talking to your vet before embarking on anything you are unsure of.


        • #19
          Hope all goes well for poor Omlet. I'm indoors with a wonky chook meself so I know what it feels like. Ruby is now exploring, eating mixed corn and cleaning the kitchen floor for me (I'm not right domesticated!)

          It wouldn't be so bad if you know the reasons for their problems would it. Maybe, as Richmond says, another vet visit?
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #20
            Originally posted by Flummery View Post
            Hope all goes well for poor Omlet. I'm indoors with a wonky chook meself so I know what it feels like. Ruby is now exploring, eating mixed corn and cleaning the kitchen floor for me (I'm not right domesticated!)

            It wouldn't be so bad if you know the reasons for their problems would it. Maybe, as Richmond says, another vet visit?
            Thanks Richmond and everyone else. Unfortunately the vet who operated on Omlet is no longer there and moved away to another practice, and those that are, said if it happened again then it would be the PTS option

            I was hoping since she is not "poorly" with it, just under the weather alittle that I could try and solve the issue myself, before resorting to the final visit.

            Which is really why I'm boring everyone with the subject again, as you can tell I'm not wanting to give in that easily and Omlet is worth the trouble (unless of course she is suffering then I would let her go)

            But she was well enough to jump up at me earlier for her yogurt, so at the moment its a case of trying all these things and trying anythig new that people post and see if it helps.

            I know she will lapse again even after this, so again prevention is on the cards, but since I had eliminated everything that could do this, I am surprised its happened again, although the vet did say that if it did it was down to her muscles in the crop ot working properly


            • #21
              Tick - live maggots can be bought from a fishing shop. I fed them to my ex-batt with crop probs. I gave her what might have been a handful if I'd touched them - I scraped them out on to the ground in front of her a few at a time - they move fast!
              Katie Thears book says for impacted crop - hard crop, miserable and not eating - give olive oil and try to massage blockage away
              Sour crop - squidgy and smells as RH said - add a teaspoon of Epsom salts to a glass of water and trickle a teaspoon of the resulting liquid into the beak. For the next few days crush layers pellets and mix with a little plain live yoghurt. (also from Katie Thears book)
              If you do try to massage be very careful as the scar tissue from her operation will be weaker than normal tissue.
              Hoe she's ok for you - she sounds so like my Pip- and she managed with her huge squidgy crop for over 18 months.


              • #22
                You're not boring us tick9...we're all on a learning curve here.

                and so....( my thoughts if I were you....),,,,
                Why not phone around loads of vets to see if someone specialises in birds.
                you see- my daughter had a problem with her bunnies teeth- and the local vet- who was fantastic with cats and hamsters etc sort of gave the impression they were 'doing their best' with her bunny...not a specialist, but a vet happy to do their best and learn in the process.
                Problem is that I've been 'fleeced' a few times by vets who are more than happy to have a go, but don't have the experience with that particular 'pet/animal/bird'

                So...we found a vet's practice a distance away who had 'studied' bunnies as a postgraduate- and had joined a 'rare species'practice....result....?..fantastic!

                what I'm saying is that most vets will do their utmost to help you- some maybe more than need a vet who is used to handing chooks - or at least birds. ( 'our'.. 'rare species' practice has a guy waiting outside waiting for them to open with an Eagle Owl on his arm...- quote "the only practice in the area who he'd take his birds to"- (a 1 1/2 hr drive)

                so....why not see if there is a bird sanctuary near you and give them a ring? ..see which vet they use???..then at least you've done the absolute best by Omlet!
                all the best- I can understand how you feel x
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #23
                  You're not boring me either Tick.

                  Is it possible to speak on the telephone to the vet who treated Omlet for an opinion on mealworms, maggots and massaging her crop?

                  It sounds like you probably have more knowledge about Omlet's problem than any of the vets at your normal practice.

                  I'd PTS any of my pets who was suffering with no likelihood of improving his/her outcome but if they weren't actually suffering I'd try to sort out some sort of maintenance regime to prevent or minimise the illness, drawing on the experience of others and suck it and see to see what, if anything, may help.

                  Sounds like Omlet may be wanting live mealworms every day (tell her not to let on to the others).
                  If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Eco-Chic View Post
                    You're not boring me either Tick.

                    Is it possible to speak on the telephone to the vet who treated Omlet for an opinion on mealworms, maggots and massaging her crop?

                    Sounds like Omlet may be wanting live mealworms every day (tell her not to let on to the others).
                    Thanks again all the suggestions, I remembered I had the vets mobile, she was a friend of a friend, so I texted her, but she said it was a risk operating because it can damage the muscles.

                    Either way she has said to try the suggestions and see


                    • #25
                      So sorry to hear your news tick9. Hope things improve quickly.
                      Bernie aka DDL

                      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                      • #26
                        No bread, is it really bad for them? mine love a few crumbs..


                        • #27
                          Petal, I think the bread is bad if, like Omlet, the chook is prone to sour or impacted crop. Perhaps the yeast in it ferments in the crop

                          I know some people give their chooks Flubenvet and marmite on pieces of bread, but sparingly because of the high salt content.

                          Have you managed to rid yours of Cocci now?
                          If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                          • #28
                            Well its a bit up and down at the moment.

                            Omlet seemed better this morning and her crop was somewhat smaller, we have been dribbling olive oil in some yogurt and massaging her crop.

                            Later today she had gone down hill again and was doing the neck thing.

                            I think this is now going to be long term, and somethign we have to keep doing weekly, but if I keep on top of it then perhaps she will be reasonably okay


                            • #29
                              Fingers crossed. Nothing to add that's not already been said but TLC does go a long way! Sounds like yours are getting that, so all the best and hopes and thoughts with you
                              Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                              The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                              Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                              • #30
                                Have you managed to rid yours of Cocci now?[/QUOTE]
                                Yes, not before we lost 10, including a pekin. They are on course of coxoid and flourishing. Its been a steep learning curve. I am finding this thread very interesting, and have saved the maggot information for future use. You never know, I always try home remedies first as i am sick of being fleeced by the vet!


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