Arrived at the allotment this morning as usual. Could hear the girls bokking also as usual except......... it just sounded a bit louder than normal
Thought I must have left the pophole open - no problem as the run is fully enclosed and hopefully fox-proof. But the pophole was shut!
Went to open the run gate ready to put feeders in and there sitting on top of a bucket in front of the hut was one of my young Warrens! How I'd missed her at bedtime I really don't know as the area she was sitting in is only 6' x 6'!
I always count them in to the hut so she must have come out as I closed the door but it will forever be a mystery.
I still feel sick thinking about it because she was completely unprotected from the fox who has been about digging on another plot trying to get under the wire. I do have electric fencing on but there are weak spots for a determined fox - over the top of the hut for starters!
I think they'll all have to be bar-coded and go through a scanner before bed-time!
What a bad chooky mum I am!

Went to open the run gate ready to put feeders in and there sitting on top of a bucket in front of the hut was one of my young Warrens! How I'd missed her at bedtime I really don't know as the area she was sitting in is only 6' x 6'!

I still feel sick thinking about it because she was completely unprotected from the fox who has been about digging on another plot trying to get under the wire. I do have electric fencing on but there are weak spots for a determined fox - over the top of the hut for starters!
I think they'll all have to be bar-coded and go through a scanner before bed-time!
What a bad chooky mum I am!