Her runny nose on Thursday night had cleared up Friday.
She was reluctant to leave the coop Friday, reluctant to go into the run unless I put her there (food and water in run) eating and drinking well otherwise, refused to perch, insisted on the nest box. I left her to it, thinking she might still have a bit of a cold.
Saturday, wouldn't leave the nest box. Resting on her breast with tail up and all feathers puffed out and making soft whickering cooing noises. Until I turfed her out, when she was very bad tempered and made ugly squawking noises. She belted into the run for pellets and water and then ran like the clappers across the garden to the other girls.
As soon as my back was turned she returned to the nest box. I lifted her out half a dozen times throughout the day and the minx returned every time. I took the nest box away and she made a nest in the shavings
This morning she is looking after one of the other girl's eggs. How did Maude or Madge get their egg into the nest box with Madam Myrtle refusing to leave it?
She hasn't read the books. 28 weeks old Orpington Bantams are NOT supposed to get broody
She was reluctant to leave the coop Friday, reluctant to go into the run unless I put her there (food and water in run) eating and drinking well otherwise, refused to perch, insisted on the nest box. I left her to it, thinking she might still have a bit of a cold.
Saturday, wouldn't leave the nest box. Resting on her breast with tail up and all feathers puffed out and making soft whickering cooing noises. Until I turfed her out, when she was very bad tempered and made ugly squawking noises. She belted into the run for pellets and water and then ran like the clappers across the garden to the other girls.
As soon as my back was turned she returned to the nest box. I lifted her out half a dozen times throughout the day and the minx returned every time. I took the nest box away and she made a nest in the shavings

This morning she is looking after one of the other girl's eggs. How did Maude or Madge get their egg into the nest box with Madam Myrtle refusing to leave it?
She hasn't read the books. 28 weeks old Orpington Bantams are NOT supposed to get broody
