Some joker had left a choccie bar in with their payment for eggs in my honesty box!
Thinks????????? what can I do with that?...........I know, i'll make a rat trap!
1/4 filled a large bucket with water. Gaffer taped each end of the choccie bar onto the centre of a cane which I gaffer taped across the bucket.
Made a set of steps out of bricks leading up to the top edge. Layed a trail of mixed corn up the steps and som stuck to the sticky bit of the gaffer tape. Sprinkled a bit of poultry spice along the trail also.
Hopefully Roland will follow the trail up the steps til he comes to the cane, he will then try and walk along the cane toget the choccie, whence he will fall of into the water and drown...............possibly.
My mate reckons the bucket isn't deep enough and he will scran the choccie, jump in for a swim to clean his whiskers, and then jump out again (grabbing a towel on the way home to dry himself)
We shall see!
Thinks????????? what can I do with that?...........I know, i'll make a rat trap!

1/4 filled a large bucket with water. Gaffer taped each end of the choccie bar onto the centre of a cane which I gaffer taped across the bucket.
Made a set of steps out of bricks leading up to the top edge. Layed a trail of mixed corn up the steps and som stuck to the sticky bit of the gaffer tape. Sprinkled a bit of poultry spice along the trail also.
Hopefully Roland will follow the trail up the steps til he comes to the cane, he will then try and walk along the cane toget the choccie, whence he will fall of into the water and drown...............possibly.

My mate reckons the bucket isn't deep enough and he will scran the choccie, jump in for a swim to clean his whiskers, and then jump out again (grabbing a towel on the way home to dry himself)

We shall see!
