My bantams stopped laying about two months ago they lost a few feathers not many. They are not malting at the moment and show no signs of laying. Is it just the season or should I be concerned
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chickens stopped laying
what banties are they? The Pekins here are just starting to think about laying again, i know this as the cockerels are "covorting" with the ladies again. Our lads seem to be well behaved and dont start that sort of thing until the girls are coming into lay.
We have had one or two eggs in the gold partridge run, so i will wait a few weeks, gather up the current weeks worth and do a fertility test just to make sure we are firing on all fours!
as Mo says, there isnt much light and its getting cold. Mine get a bit of extra light from the 300w halogen lamp shining over the pens as a security measure so they are slightly ahead of the game
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