I'm Bryan. 24 from Ayrshire Scotland
Just discovered this web page.
I'm looking to get some chickens for my back garden. Live in a housing scheme. Therefore wary due to possable noise pollution.
Upon reflecting the council will not stop me as well, people keep racing pigeons near. So I expect my potential chickens will be in the same remit.
I have no idea where to start. So any advice etc would be great.
I'm Bryan. 24 from Ayrshire Scotland
Just discovered this web page.
I'm looking to get some chickens for my back garden. Live in a housing scheme. Therefore wary due to possable noise pollution.
Upon reflecting the council will not stop me as well, people keep racing pigeons near. So I expect my potential chickens will be in the same remit.
I have no idea where to start. So any advice etc would be great.