Is anyone using, or have tried the rat proof treadle chicken feeder and is it really rat proof?
My worry is, that if a hen can stand on it to get at the grain, surely a rat can do the same
My bags of chicken feed are kept in big black plastic tubs with lids. The lids are held down with sort of clasps that click over the lid. I also put the hens feeder in a tub at night then hang them up again in the morning.
The rats are unclicking the clasps and pushing the lids off the tubs and getting into the food. I know rats are intelligent, but I that is ridiculous!!
I'm having to hold the clasps together with bungees.
The rats are gnawing their way through the wooden floor which has a space of about 6" underneath. I've covered the holes and any spaces I've found with wire mesh, that I hope they break their flippin' teeth on.
I can't use rat poison because I have dogs, but I use Eradibait which is only dangerous to rodents, isn't a poison, and cannot harm any other species.
in a separate part of the hen house where the hens can't go and where I store the chicken feed in tubs and I've put down a big bowl of Eradibait which I can see the rats are feeding on, and it takes them about 5 - 7 days to die. I can see their poo is becoming a lot paler which means it won't be too long before they pop their clogs.
Eradibait - The natural way to eradicate rodents/
I would be grateful for any info about the efficiency of the treadle feeders.
Valerie & the gang
My worry is, that if a hen can stand on it to get at the grain, surely a rat can do the same

My bags of chicken feed are kept in big black plastic tubs with lids. The lids are held down with sort of clasps that click over the lid. I also put the hens feeder in a tub at night then hang them up again in the morning.
The rats are unclicking the clasps and pushing the lids off the tubs and getting into the food. I know rats are intelligent, but I that is ridiculous!!

The rats are gnawing their way through the wooden floor which has a space of about 6" underneath. I've covered the holes and any spaces I've found with wire mesh, that I hope they break their flippin' teeth on.
I can't use rat poison because I have dogs, but I use Eradibait which is only dangerous to rodents, isn't a poison, and cannot harm any other species.
in a separate part of the hen house where the hens can't go and where I store the chicken feed in tubs and I've put down a big bowl of Eradibait which I can see the rats are feeding on, and it takes them about 5 - 7 days to die. I can see their poo is becoming a lot paler which means it won't be too long before they pop their clogs.
Eradibait - The natural way to eradicate rodents/
I would be grateful for any info about the efficiency of the treadle feeders.
Valerie & the gang