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heartbreaking :-(


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  • heartbreaking :-(

    For last 2 days 2 of my chooks not been well....... been out often to change water ( keeps freezing ) and they just not been their usual selfs. Today one hasn't even bothered to come out of the house and the other didn't go into the house last night ( i put straw down for her as she just wouldn't move and i can't open house as its frozen shut!!) i haven't got the strength to open myself and my hubby is away ) Today the " outside chook " is breathing but non responsive and laying down with legs out to the side. I can't do what i know is best. I know i have most definately lost this lady and feel totally helpless, i've got a box filled with straw and i am going to bring her indoors but i really don't hold much hope for her surviving. Damn this weather!!!!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that ,i have one going the same way.Very upsetting.


    • #3
      I'd bring them both in in a box together somewhere warm and dark - if you can get hold of the one inside the coop. They'll both go to sleep- and in the morning you'll either have one or two alive.
      Most animals take themselves off to die and aren't humanely put down. It's a luxury in nature- normally a fox would grasp the opportunity and have her for his supper., you are at least saving her from that.
      Just because you can't do it , don't fret about it- we are all different- you are clearly a caring person.
      Will she take warm water?

      not sure what else I'd do to be honest
      ..apart from putting a bottle or two of hot water in the coop maybe to warm the place up a little- or is that a silly idea?

      ( can you give a drop of brandy to a bird- or would it kill it? -oh...that might not be a bad thing after all"...ignore me)

      fingers crossed they pull through x
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Oh God - heart breaking stuff!!

        Am sorry - am new to this game myself so can't offer any advice other than to do what you are doing - bring her inside into the warmth.

        One of my girls was off colour last week and I brought her inside - just for a few hours but it made all the difference but it doesn't sound too good for your little one.

        Hope one of the experts on this forum can offer some more constructive advice for you but in the meantime, am thinking of you.

        Take care


        • #5
          Don't keep chooks myself but really feel for you and hope others can offer advice. Meanwhile will keep my fingers crossed the pull through
          AKA Angie


          • #6
            i would do what nicos suggests (but not the brandy)birds of mine that have died have always done that ...just got slower and slower then laid down and have to steel yourself for it ....cos there doesnt seem to be anything much you can of luck


            • #7
              Once a poor bird gets to this state it is very difficult to do much, at least if you bring them into the warm they have a chance to recoup! if they are weak then they will use an amazing amout of energy just to keep warm.
              If you have a large box or cat carrier keep them warm and quiet, try not to fuss too much shock can also kill. What do you feed? I would keep them in tonight and do not try to feed them, see if they will take water tomorrow? Birds need water more than food and will be drinking more in this weather and have a shorter time to get it.
              If you really have to squeeze water into their beak from a dropper, I have used a sandwick bag with a tiny hole cut in one corner, so that it just drips.
              If they are going to pull through they will recover quite quickly, do not rush to put them back outside they will need TLC for awhile.


              • #8
                So sorry to read about your girls veggielover. I'm afraid I've no practical advice to give, but my thoughts are with you. Take care.
                A good beginning is half the work.
                Praise the young and they will make progress.


                • #9
                  Really feel for you on this. I couldn't kill one of mine either. I can only agree with everyone else - warmth and quiet and a drink if you can get it in them. Fingers crossed for you and them. Is there a neighbour who could give you a hand?


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear your chooks are poorly,

                    Warmth, and quiet, and if either opens its eyes water .... is probably all you can really do for them they'll either pick up or slip away quietly, are they youngsters? cautious use of a hairdryer has revived several chilled youngbirds (mostly chicks and ducklings but one or two older birds (usually that have got wet and cold)) here.....
                    Last edited by CoraxAurata; 08-01-2010, 06:20 PM.


                    • #11
                      No they are old girls now, hardly laid at all this year so really they r just enjoying their twighlight years in peace, we never intended to eat them so always knew they would die in the natural way, she's still not doing much and breathing is quite erratic, its not looking good for her but at the very least she is warm and as comfortable as i can make her. She has her head by the water bowl but is still laying on her side with eyes shut..... i think its just a matter of time


                      • #12
                        Veggielover so sorry to hear this. It doesn't sound good from your description, many of us on here have been there though and we know how you feel (((hugs)))


                        • #13
                          She has gone now i don't know what to do with her as can't dig hole cos of snow......... i suppose i could fire up the burning bin and " cremate " her? Been back out to the run my other poorly bird has perked up a bit ( neighbour helped open up ) now that the others have gone in and keeping her toastie.


                          • #14
                            I don't think you're 'officially ' allowed to bury her ( livestock).Not that anyone would know though.
                            I put Lily in the bin just before the binmen came in a pretty bag.

                            Very sorry that she's not pulled through- at least you gave her a peaceful end.
                            Fingers crossed with the other one now xx
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • #15
                              So sorry hope your other hen pulls through.


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