I have got eggs coming out of my ears!
The dozen that had cracked in the honesty box got mashed up with mixed corn and layers and were given back to the chooks.
I'm getting about a dozen eggs a day but judging by there combs about 18 chooks are laying?
Today I visited one of the nestboxes i thought they'de stopped using to to find about 30 eggs stacked on top of each other and some of them were frozen.
I've broken these into a bucket and also about 18 I had in the shed which i wasn't too sure about.
Next time I light my woodburner I'm going to make a massive pan of scrambled eggs to feed back to them!
In the meantime I've brought every egg I have home so they don't freeze and have about 4 dozen in the house. OH is making egg intensive recipes as we speak!
I think I've bitten off more than I can chew as my thirty chooks are going through 2 1/2 bags of fed per week and I appear to be averaging 18 to 20 eggs per day.
No one is attending the allotments because of the snow and anyway, I can't leave them there because they are freezing and cracking.
I think I must be feeding the damm things too well as some of them are four years old and shouldn't really be laying at all!
Its an awful thing to say, but how can I stop them laying!

The dozen that had cracked in the honesty box got mashed up with mixed corn and layers and were given back to the chooks.
I'm getting about a dozen eggs a day but judging by there combs about 18 chooks are laying?
Today I visited one of the nestboxes i thought they'de stopped using to to find about 30 eggs stacked on top of each other and some of them were frozen.
I've broken these into a bucket and also about 18 I had in the shed which i wasn't too sure about.
Next time I light my woodburner I'm going to make a massive pan of scrambled eggs to feed back to them!
In the meantime I've brought every egg I have home so they don't freeze and have about 4 dozen in the house. OH is making egg intensive recipes as we speak!
I think I've bitten off more than I can chew as my thirty chooks are going through 2 1/2 bags of fed per week and I appear to be averaging 18 to 20 eggs per day.
No one is attending the allotments because of the snow and anyway, I can't leave them there because they are freezing and cracking.
I think I must be feeding the damm things too well as some of them are four years old and shouldn't really be laying at all!
Its an awful thing to say, but how can I stop them laying!