My little cream legbar hen has laid an egg every day up till now. They're around 50g so not a bad size cos she's not a lot bigger than my banties herself.
What I'm wondering is how long should she lay before I should hatch any eggs? Or any of my hens actually, as this will be the first lay for any of them? At the mo they're all in a mixed group so I'm planning to stick the CL girls and two CL boys in a seperate run for 5/6 weeks to make sure that anything I hatch is pure, or would I be better off leaving it till shes been laying for longer? and if so how long?
What I'm wondering is how long should she lay before I should hatch any eggs? Or any of my hens actually, as this will be the first lay for any of them? At the mo they're all in a mixed group so I'm planning to stick the CL girls and two CL boys in a seperate run for 5/6 weeks to make sure that anything I hatch is pure, or would I be better off leaving it till shes been laying for longer? and if so how long?