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Broooody!!!!! and Some french sounding chickens


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  • Broooody!!!!! and Some french sounding chickens

    Can't believe it the weather gets a bit warmer and the Silkies I have go broody(one of them anyway). I have decided to put some eggs under her and I am currently bidding on BARBU D'UCCLES MILLEFLEUR does anybody have any experiance of these. I was after Auracana or cream legbar eggs but they are all so expensive

  • #2
    They are Belgian bantams...have you Googled? They look very pretty with feathered feet in a variety of colours,nice nature too apparently
    If you get a gal, you're going to have to call one of them Millie ya know!!!

    Barbu d'Uccle
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      Barbu D'Uccles Millefleur - how many are you having? We have around 15 here at the moment. they are a smallish belgian booted bantam, which means they have the feathered legs and feet. infact, in some good examples of the, the male will have huge feathered feet - looking like snow shoes. Here is one downfall of the breed - those feet collect allsorts of crud in the feathers so make sure they are on a mud free base or very dry litter.

      They can become very very tame and friendly little birds, if your run is large enough you might enough get away with keeping a couple of cockerels together as they seem to display but without the violence that usually follows.

      The millefleur will be a chestnut colour when first hatched, developing its classic white and light brown speckling ove mahogany as it ages. Infact, each moult the bird will develop a bit more white so a good indicator of age is how white they are! I have an almost white speckled one now, she is a hen and around 5 years old we beleive.

      Their crow is very high pitched and shrill but not loud. The tails should be carried vertically, and their head held proud so they look almost U shaped!

      Be warned about letting them free range, they can fly very very well infact they are almost as airborne as crows. Ours quite often defend their runs against crows - they can be feisty little fellas.

      When they first hatch, you will notice some chicks has a wispy down on their cheeks, making them look like they have sideburns. If you notice these in the first few days, these birds will grow to be hens 85-90% of the time.

      Here is a picture of one we recently picked up at a show to improve blood lines, and another of one of our small breeding groups - 1 male to 5 hens

      In the first picture, notce the "cheeks" which are the beard which gives it its name. These will be apparent from day one on most hen chicks hatched.

      Dan - are yo ubuying eggs or birds? The eggs are usually very good hatchers with little in the way of problems, birds are usually very docile. Again the one in the first picture we picked up from the show literally 10 minutes before and she is sat on Jennie's hands in the car on the way home!
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      Last edited by Bramble-Poultry; 19-01-2010, 07:50 AM.
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      • #4
        Bramble- those look lovely! Make my banties look boringly normal!!!

        I've got one broody gal too- a month too soon for any use!!!!
        Are the Millies broody by nature???
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          Thanks Bramble i'm bidding at the moment on ebay. When I searched google your site came up. I was wondering if you had any for sale


          • #6
            eggs or birds Dan? Birds yes but eggs no sorry just set the incy with some, the first lots I collect I set to test fertility for the year so I can sell knowing that they will hatch!! There will be some eggs once I have tested fertility so probably by mid next month.

            Dan - I take it you are bidding on Sam's eggs, they lovely birds and we had a great hatch last year ok not with Barbu's but we had Silkies and Pekins. If you don't get them let me know and I can put you in touch with every registered Belgium breeder in the country.

            Have to Say Nicos not had one go broody on me yet, the silkies and pekins are on and off the nest but not once did any of my barbu's sit.
            My Blog


            • #7
              Thanks Bramble it is Sam who is selling them I want to put them under the broody. I think it is a bit of a waste not too if the hen goes broody. Would I have to move the mother and her chicks if they hatch could she not bring them up with the other hens and cockeral. Or would they attack. If I don't win them that would be really appreciated they caught my eye and the description of them sounds ideal.


              • #8
                Can you leave them in with your other birds - an answerless question - sorry.

                It depends on your other birds, I have left the silkie and pekin hens in with all of the others and the cockerel when they hatch no problems at all. I have one pekin hen who always sits in isolation as the cockerel is a bugger, the light sussex always had to be on her own too!! I think it honestly depends on the other birds in the run, but silkies tend to be more placid in my experience.

                So I leave it to personal choice, if you leave her have an emergency back up in mind just incase - but my silkie cock ignored the chicks completeley and teh other hen was too busy trying to go broody herself!
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                • #9
                  they all seem fairly placid not like the other lot there is also two cockerals in there. I took them off the hands of the previous allotment owner. He thought there where three hens and a cockeral. I said I thought he had two cockerals. One cock a doodle do later and my suspicions where confirmed they are all just at pol. I have plenty of room now so if they need to be moved they can


                  • #10
                    I have had 3 clutches and they've all been fine with 2 cockerels. I was really worried when one went up and shoved his eye about 6" away from a chick- I thought he was going to take it' head off. Mom came running up with her others,pecked at him- and that was him sorted- he kept calling them over to offer them food he'd found! The no 2 cockerel was no problem at all!
                    ....but if you'd had Mr Darcy......who knows!!!!
                    As BP says- it depends on the individual chook. Mine have run together since hatching with no probs at all- sometimes another female would huddle up into the box at night with mom and chicks to nurse a few under her wings!!!

                    I think I've been really fortunate to have calm, caring birds.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      The others I have got are mental the cocks got in with each other over night one time and when I got there the next morning it was like a murder scene blood everywhere and the two lads covered in blood they are ok now but they must have gone at it.


                      • #12

                        found this piccy of a barbue d'uccle on a french site, wow!!!

                        oh gosh sorry didn't see you already had pic!! nevermind!
                        Last edited by mr darcy; 19-01-2010, 12:48 PM.


                        • #13
                          more pics the merrier, must keep charlotte away from teh pc she will want him he is stunning!!

                          Try them then Dan cos if you can leave her be whilst brooding it will solve so many problems!!
                          My Blog


                          • #14
                            so Dan - get your eggies?
                            My Blog


                            • #15
                              Certainly did Mick the silkie is still broody can't think of anything better


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