Found a new use for my eggy glut, I've put myself on an eggy Atkins diet.
I may as well scran the eggs and lose weight as well.
Last two mornings I've had a four egg omelletey thingy to myself for my morning break at 10.00am.
We've only got a microwave at work so I've got one of those plastic microwaveable omellette thingies which hold four eggs easily.
I've just given 4 dozen to my daughter and family so the egg mountain isn't too bad at the mo.
No ill effects up til now with the diet and I'm not eggbound!!!!
So it looks like four eggs for brekkie each day from now on!
Anyone any ideas what I can chuck (sic) in my omelettes to liven them up a bit?

I may as well scran the eggs and lose weight as well.
Last two mornings I've had a four egg omelletey thingy to myself for my morning break at 10.00am.
We've only got a microwave at work so I've got one of those plastic microwaveable omellette thingies which hold four eggs easily.
I've just given 4 dozen to my daughter and family so the egg mountain isn't too bad at the mo.
No ill effects up til now with the diet and I'm not eggbound!!!!

Anyone any ideas what I can chuck (sic) in my omelettes to liven them up a bit?
