Are there any grapes out there who have experience of the Emporer Feeder and could give me some advice to pass on to my daughter.
She has enough on her plate at the moment caring for our grandson who is seriously ill and I just want to see if any of you can offer her some help.
She has purchased the Emperor feeder to make life easier for anyone other than her or her husband who will be looking after chooks when they are tied up at hospital.
She says she has put in two bags of feed (cost her �20!!) and when she looked yesterday somehow they have managed to get all the feed out and it is all over the run and the paths (which are OUTSIDE the run).
Personally, we are wondering whether it was a rat that did it but I dare not even mention that word at the moment.
Anyway, have any of you used this particular feeder. Should a particular feed go in it. All advice gratefully received. She has 11 hens.
She has enough on her plate at the moment caring for our grandson who is seriously ill and I just want to see if any of you can offer her some help.
She has purchased the Emperor feeder to make life easier for anyone other than her or her husband who will be looking after chooks when they are tied up at hospital.
She says she has put in two bags of feed (cost her �20!!) and when she looked yesterday somehow they have managed to get all the feed out and it is all over the run and the paths (which are OUTSIDE the run).
Personally, we are wondering whether it was a rat that did it but I dare not even mention that word at the moment.
Anyway, have any of you used this particular feeder. Should a particular feed go in it. All advice gratefully received. She has 11 hens.