Methinks Snadger could do with some more ideas to use his eggs, before he gets egg bound! Here goes:
I remember my mum rinsing my hair in beaten eggs as a type of conditioner as I have dry hair..... supposed to make your hair soft, but of course, use luke warm water as a rinse otherwise you'll end up with scrambled egg hair!
OR: Egg shampoo
1 egg white
2 egg yolks
1 teasp honey
1 tblsp olive oil
juice 1 lemon
Whisk egg white, fold in yolks. Stir in honey, oil and juice. Message into scalp, leave for a few minutes and then rinse using plenty of water until all the shampoo has gone.
OR: Special treatment for dry hair
1 egg yolk
2 tblsp olive oil
Stir the yolk into the oil. Massage into dry hair and leave for 30 mins. Shampoo then rinse.
OR: Anti wrinkle mask
Infuse 250ml water with 1 tblsp dried mallow flowers for 30 mins then strain. Fold 3 tblsp into a stiffly beaten egg white. Apply to face and rinse after 20 mins.
I'm not saying you have dry hair Snadger, nor in the need of a face mask, but thought other grapes might find this useful!
I remember my mum rinsing my hair in beaten eggs as a type of conditioner as I have dry hair..... supposed to make your hair soft, but of course, use luke warm water as a rinse otherwise you'll end up with scrambled egg hair!
OR: Egg shampoo
1 egg white
2 egg yolks
1 teasp honey
1 tblsp olive oil
juice 1 lemon
Whisk egg white, fold in yolks. Stir in honey, oil and juice. Message into scalp, leave for a few minutes and then rinse using plenty of water until all the shampoo has gone.
OR: Special treatment for dry hair
1 egg yolk
2 tblsp olive oil
Stir the yolk into the oil. Massage into dry hair and leave for 30 mins. Shampoo then rinse.
OR: Anti wrinkle mask
Infuse 250ml water with 1 tblsp dried mallow flowers for 30 mins then strain. Fold 3 tblsp into a stiffly beaten egg white. Apply to face and rinse after 20 mins.
I'm not saying you have dry hair Snadger, nor in the need of a face mask, but thought other grapes might find this useful!
