Had a lot going on and my internet friends had to be put aside for a while unfortunately.
For those of you who remember me, you'll know i started with four ex batts last year - well im now up to 17!!! Just cant help myself..
The other day i was in the kitchen when i heard such a caffuffle, immediately ran out to find one of next doors dogs (huge white alsation) terrorising my chooks - he had dug under the wiring at the base of the hedge.
I grabbed him by the neck and did a quick head count of my brood...all present and correct and UNHARMED. 4 on garage roof, 3 on wifes car roof, 2 on my bonnet and the rest doing an impression of Ronaldo to sidestep the big gormless predator.
I was so proud of them.
Dragged the hound back round to the neighbour and returned him, she said thanks but explained its my fault!!! As the chickens make a noise her dogs need to investigate!!!
I quite simply pointed out that my job was to keep my chickens in and hers was to keep her dogs in IN! (Unless anyone knows of a good chicken mussle shop lol)
I also reassured her that if anything happened to my chickens she would be held fully responsible - reinforcing this by mentioning "do you know farmers can shoot predators attacking their livestock" lol....
Anyhow, seen her husband working hard to reinforce their side of the hedge and ive sorted the hole her dog made - so fingers crossed it was a one off.
Extra treats for my chooks that day.....