Hi folks
You may remember my over-cocky cockerel from a few months back when I asked you for advice on what to do with him when he became too protective of the girls - I was safe aslong as I was armed with a water pistol!
Things have taken a turn for the worse - he had a real go at me yesterday - water pistol ran out of water
I lost my temper - grabbed him, hung him upside down and stuck him in a box for 1/2 hr to calm down. Thought he would have learned some sense when I let him out - NOT SO!!!! He had another go at my legs - feet first - neally knocked me over!
Grabbed him again but this time just put him under my arm and tried to STROKE HIM - thankfully had gloves on! Strolled around the garden - talking to a cockerel - told him how beautiful he was!!!!
Today - even worse - got home from work - he came running for me but managed to grab him and put him in his box.
My OH reckons it's time for him to become Sunday dinner - he very nearly became Christmas dinner so have had one reprieve.
I DO LIKE having a cockerel around BUT ..... he needs to behave - any more advice folk - feel very sad that's it's probably my fault as he obviously thinks I'm very dangerous to have around.
You may remember my over-cocky cockerel from a few months back when I asked you for advice on what to do with him when he became too protective of the girls - I was safe aslong as I was armed with a water pistol!

Things have taken a turn for the worse - he had a real go at me yesterday - water pistol ran out of water

Grabbed him again but this time just put him under my arm and tried to STROKE HIM - thankfully had gloves on! Strolled around the garden - talking to a cockerel - told him how beautiful he was!!!!
Today - even worse - got home from work - he came running for me but managed to grab him and put him in his box.
My OH reckons it's time for him to become Sunday dinner - he very nearly became Christmas dinner so have had one reprieve.
I DO LIKE having a cockerel around BUT ..... he needs to behave - any more advice folk - feel very sad that's it's probably my fault as he obviously thinks I'm very dangerous to have around.