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Naughty Chicken


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  • Naughty Chicken

    Hoping for some advice here. I have 6 chickens that are allowed to free range in my garden. They have a big run but I like to let them out to play. Only thing is, the Speckledy seems to have taken a liking to next doors garden. Ive had most of the 6 almost a year, and this particular one 6 months. Garden is fenced both sides but now that my grass is non existent, she wants to play next door where its nice and green. She's always been one for heights and started her plan by just roosting on the fence from time to time, obviously working her self up to going over. Last week she did it, she was only over there a minute or so and grapes brought her back quick enough. Unfortunatley the owner of the garden was there and not best pleased. The problem is on one side the neighbour is lovely, they want chickens themselves and wouldnt mind at all. The side she's chosen to explore happens to belong to a neighbour I had words with last year about her neglecting her cat. It was in a pitiful state and I used to let it stay in the kitchen when the weather was at its coldest and fed it, as did the other neighbour. Anyway, this makes her less than my number one fan.

    Clearly I dont want to upset her (more than I have already!) so I need any hints or tips on keeping this one chicken (the others arent interested at all) in my garden if anyone has any? Ive clipped her wing, put trellis along the open bits of fence but she just wanders along looking for a gap and squeezes through wherever she can. I watched her the other day, jump onto the opposite fence to see if she could weigh up her chances of springboarding across, then started looking up at the shed roof as if she thought if she could get high enough, she'd get over the trellis! Very intelligent little girl. I dont want to have to keep them all in all the time but at the moment it looks like thats what going to happen when Im not there in the kitchen to keep an eye on her.

    Any ideas? Ive told her she's going to spoil it for everyone but she doesnt care

  • #2
    Thank goodness I'm not the only one with a hen who is recreating scenes from chicken run!
    We've had exactly the same problem with one of ours! I did try and clip one of her wings last year, but sadly that didnt make any difference. I have put up a large wicker screen against one side of my garden which has done the trick on that side, she has now discovered the delights of my two other neighbours gardens, so we've rigged up a kind of assault course with wires and boards and so far so good (although we did see her with a piece of paper and a ruler!!!).
    I've been very lucky with my neighbours (so far), but as Trinny is now yelling at the top of her voice at the indignity of it all I think their patience may well be tried soon!
    I can only suggest putting up as much in the way of defences as you can (maybe try the wicker fencing as I have-quite high, but it allows a little light thro).
    i really do sympathise-I've tried the threatening with the oven routine, but as you know that doesnt work either! good luck and let me know how you get on!
    Perhaps you could placate your not so nice neighbour with a few eggs??


    • #3
      Could you try some sort of netting which leans inwards towards your garden so it stops her from actually landing on the fence? I mean like the security fencing which angles about 6 or 7' from the ground. Hope that makes sense!


      • #4
        theres always one isnt there?
        Mine were happy to stay in the garden for months then suddenly one of them decided to go off down the public path on one side but not jump into the neighbour's gardenon the other.
        In the past when i had to cage them in a run i found the loose wire across the top didnt work but leaning it as suggested by suechooks is more effective...


        • #5
          I undertand you have spoken to her about her conduct so the only thing I can suggest is to tag her. Hopefully she can then set an example to the others.


          • #6
            HI SUZYB, i am presuming that you have clipped their wings ,had to do mine the other week when the leader of our mob decided to scale the fence in stages(they are only as daft as they want to be,when it suits them),so i followed all the advice i had seen on this site and trimmed one wing on each,after a few goes,she lost interest,so all is now peaceful(for now).its easy to do and doesnt hurt them,no sooner done than they were feeding out of my hand.


            • #7
              I'm just wondering if she's trying to find some where private to lay so she can go broody???
              One of mine used to set off on her own- around to the front of the house !!!!!
              Once she found a secret place, she'd lay- and then just stay around that area- having to be chased around to the back again as soon as she was spotted. Problem is that we have hunting dogs roaming around and they'd happily have seen her off
              Once she'd had 3 broods she stopped doing it ( no help to you though!)
              I'd suggest to your neighbour she might find an egg if she has a look around!!

              Good luck with her!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                Thanks for the advice, I'll try the slanty netting thing, see if that works.

                Hi Buffs - yes, clipped all 6 of them last week, doesnt seem to make a different to her to be honest. I think she's having some sort of identity crisis and thinks she's a pigeon. When we got her at 5 weeks, she'd wander round the kitchen, always looking up to see if she could get to the work tops.

                I think I'll eventually have to replace the fence to a higher one which Im wondering is where this is leading. Its 'their' fence, I replaced the other side last year before I got the girls but this side is knackered. It leans in on my property where they lean their bikes against it on the other side and all the posts are broken at the bases. Im thinking perhaps they will complain that because my chickens are getting over it, ultimately tell me I should replace the fence to stop it happening.

                Im just worried this neighbour will see fit to call the council or something. Council said I could have the girls as long as there were no complaints from the neighbours. I wouldnt put it past her to get back at me for accusing her of neglecting her cat. Poor thing died on my patio in the end and she wouldnt even come round for the body.

                Ah well if she tried it she will be laughing on the other side of her face when I throw chicken poo at her washing


                • #9
                  i had to put up own made trellis on top of 5ft wall to add another 3ft to height all round back yard ,im talking 24yards of it 3ft high(old victorian walled garden) and to make the trellis ,make it fit,make it look good,OH would not have any bodged jobs,(she hates that more than anything) i hate to think how long before i get my money back in eggs, but as they are so funny,im not too worried,also,our blackrock that has been moulting for about 6 weeks,finally layed an egg today and it was a big bruiser,shes made my day..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                    I'm just wondering if she's trying to find some where private to lay so she can go broody???
                    One of mine used to set off on her own- around to the front of the house !!!!!
                    Once she found a secret place, she'd lay- and then just stay around that area- having to be chased around to the back again as soon as she was spotted. Problem is that we have hunting dogs roaming around and they'd happily have seen her off
                    Once she'd had 3 broods she stopped doing it ( no help to you though!)
                    I'd suggest to your neighbour she might find an egg if she has a look around!!

                    Good luck with her!
                    My thoughts exactly Nicos.

                    I have bantams that will do exactly the same. They used to free range and return to the henhouse to lay, but whenever they started to feel the urge to brood they would go off and lay away. I got tired of them doing this and having to hunt for the eggs all the time and am now keeping them permanently penned in a large enclosure out in the paddocks. There is still an escapee from time to time so I will be providing an additional freestanding covered nestbox within the enclosure to keep the wanderers happy.

                    This might be the solution for you too Suzy.
                    Last edited by RichmondHens; 13-02-2010, 06:30 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RichmondHens View Post
                      My thoughts exactly Nicos.

                      I have bantams that will do exactly the same. They used to free range and return to the henhouse to lay, but whenever they started to feel the urge to brood they would go off and lay away. I got tired of them doing this and having to hunt for the eggs all the time and am now keeping them permanently penned in a large enclosure out in the paddocks. There is still an escapee from time to time so I will be providing an additional freestanding covered nestbox within the enclosure to keep the wanderers happy.

                      This might be the solution for you too Suzy.
                      Thats a great idea, I could leave the shed door open with a box in there and see what happens. I dont want to have to keep them all in and dont want to part with her either, she lays the most gorgeous dark brown eggs. Thanks for the advice.


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