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horse of a different colour?


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  • horse of a different colour?

    i know i raised this on a diffrent thread but i have been looking to increase my flock and as there seems to be no exbat rescues in the area i answered a few adverts and was offered "brownrocks" @�12 each.i was told that there was a problem with last years blackrocks and they bred these other birds.i have two blackrocks and they are fine and laying lovely big eggs.has anyone had any problems with their blackrocks? or heard of these brownrocks? i was wondering as we went into all this before we got our birds and purchased them from an acredited breeder who gets his from the home of the blackrocks,and is proud of it,his birds have been 100%. i just think that someone may be selling inferior stok and trying to use peoples faith in the quality of the blackrocks...the proper breeder/dealer for ayrshire charges less for the genuine article.

  • #2
    The Blackrock hybrid is a cross between selected strains of Barred Plymouth Rock and a Rhode Island Red.

    Never heard of Brownrocks but would hazzard a guess they are a cross between a Plymouth Rock and a Brown Leghorn, and may lay white eggs?
    Can't find any mention of them though. They are possibly just ISA Browns being passed off as something special?
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #3
      The expression "being passed off" really seems to hit the nail on the head .it was the statement of something being wrong with all last years blackrocks that worried me,thanks for your thoughts on that..


      • #4
        I was thinking that it sounded like someone trying to pass off a normal bird at a higher price - have seen it before where breeders have named their hybrids fancy names to charge more for them - classic is the Gingernut Ranger - sold by a leading name in the UK it is exactly the same cross as a hybrid brown (rhode island red x light sussex) but they charge �15 each for them!!
        My Blog


        • #5
          i have seen pictures of the "gingernut ranger" and the promo shpiel that goes along with it,makes it sound like the best thing since sliced bread..probably very good between sliced bread!!


          • #6
            Ive seen people offering 'warren' hatching eggs..but they are eggs from their own warren hens. Surely warrens are hybrids and therefor cant breed true?
            Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


            • #7
              I've produced some sweet little grey bantams (two or three generations worth) from crossing a Light Sussex hen with a cock of dubious origin. Really pretty with silver grey lacing, excellent layers and also excellent broodies. I've been tempted to market them as "Richmond Specials"!!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Give it a try Sally - call them Richmond grey or something similar - if someone can sell "pilkies" at �45 a trio you should manage to sell yours
                My Blog


                • #9
                  I have black rockXplymouth rock girls and they are fantastic never miss a day laying lovely eggs would defo have the same again


                  • #10
                    have been onto the local breeder/dealer and he will have some good birds for me in a few weeks,at least i will know what i am getting and he is just a phone call away if advice is needed,i think i will leave the birds of unknown origin to those who want them,i am happier staying with proven stock,thanks to all for the thoughts and advice given.


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