i know i raised this on a diffrent thread but i have been looking to increase my flock and as there seems to be no exbat rescues in the area i answered a few adverts and was offered "brownrocks" @�12 each.i was told that there was a problem with last years blackrocks and they bred these other birds.i have two blackrocks and they are fine and laying lovely big eggs.has anyone had any problems with their blackrocks? or heard of these brownrocks? i was wondering as we went into all this before we got our birds and purchased them from an acredited breeder who gets his from the home of the blackrocks,and is proud of it,his birds have been 100%. i just think that someone may be selling inferior stok and trying to use peoples faith in the quality of the blackrocks...the proper breeder/dealer for ayrshire charges less for the genuine article.
