Hello, I know lots of have converted sheds into coops and am hoping you could share hints and tips or any do's and don'ts that I might not have thought of. Has anyone got pics of their creations as being a bit of a visual learner I like to see how things have been made.
I really wish I'd done this first time round. We thought that as we were complete novices at this chicken keeping lark it would be best to buy a ready made coop but the one I have is already leaking and not very sturdy at all. It definitely will not last another winter. So hoping to gp bigger and better and add two more girls.
I really wish I'd done this first time round. We thought that as we were complete novices at this chicken keeping lark it would be best to buy a ready made coop but the one I have is already leaking and not very sturdy at all. It definitely will not last another winter. So hoping to gp bigger and better and add two more girls.
