Hi All!
Please help!!!??? one of my hens (Trinny) is constantly shouting (now she cant eggscape! See reply to SuzyB on naughty chicken), trouble is she just will not close her beak. She is laying every other day at the moment, a bit earlier than last year, so I am assuming she is happy enough. I really dont want to have to rehome her as she's a good layer (apart from I'm usually quite fond of her), she wasnt like this last year and I am at my witts end as I dont want complaints from the neighbours. They have plenty of food, water and shelter...I cant get a cockerel as I live on an estate! Any ideas????? Please?????
Please help!!!??? one of my hens (Trinny) is constantly shouting (now she cant eggscape! See reply to SuzyB on naughty chicken), trouble is she just will not close her beak. She is laying every other day at the moment, a bit earlier than last year, so I am assuming she is happy enough. I really dont want to have to rehome her as she's a good layer (apart from I'm usually quite fond of her), she wasnt like this last year and I am at my witts end as I dont want complaints from the neighbours. They have plenty of food, water and shelter...I cant get a cockerel as I live on an estate! Any ideas????? Please?????
