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bleeding toe!!


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  • bleeding toe!!

    i know I said I wouldn't but I did, she's a POL sussex white who was all alone ina crate on the market and didn't back away when I stoked know how it goes sometimes... I went for my veg whilst the chicken man put her in a box. Got home, opened box, box swimming in bloodher toenail is ripped, caught on crate maybe when he pulled her out (he's ever so rough) anyway it's stopped bleeding heavily but it's still dripping, what should I do? will it stop on it's own or do I need to stop it somehow?

  • #2
    I think I read somewhere that cornflour helps to stop bleeding? Have you got any purple spray too? Chickens are attracted to red and she might keep pecking at it herself. Next time you see the "chicken man" I hope you tell him about the damage he caused! Hope she settles down and turns into a lovely new friend
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Thankyou Maureen, I'll go and flour her, I've got purple spray for the pones, so I'll do that first perhaps. It's stained her lovely white blouse too!! Yes that chicken man is a bit of a G.T, he's always swinging them arouind, when I first bought from him he managed to kill one of Scarlets co-cagees by mishandling (dragging three out of a crate at once, grrrr


      • #4
        Oh dear - you do get them don't you???
        Compression is always the way forwards with bleeding in general.
        Do you have any purple spray??
        Cobwebs or sugar paste are 'old fashioned' ways of sealing a bleeding area.

        Do you have any of that stuff you can get for dogs toenails??

        You're going to have to keep her separate from the others now because of pecking at her injury. A perfect time to treat her for mites etc
        Poor little thing

        You do know with all the fussing you'll be giving her you'll bond really quickly!!

        Edit- oops- posts crossed!

        (Just a thought- is she in shock? She may need some water and something to eat if she's been caged up for some time.)
        Last edited by Nicos; 17-02-2010, 11:43 AM.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          Please, please report this market man to the RSPCA, I hope they would do something, nothing deserves to be treated so badly
          Slowly takes it!


          • #6
            Originally posted by lesleygl View Post
            Please, please report this market man to the RSPCA, I hope they would do something, nothing deserves to be treated so badly
            Tis France I'm afraid!!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nicos View Post

              Do you have any of that stuff you can get for dogs toenails??
              It's called potassium permangante crystals or Quick -stop.
              Last edited by Suechooks; 17-02-2010, 01:51 PM.


              • #8
                It got quite worrying this arvo so bought her in for a proper looky and clean up as she wouldn't leave her breast alone that was very blood stained. the nail is clean off, i held a gauze on it firmly to see if I could stop it as low and behold no cornflour in the cupboard and I'm without the car now till tomorrow, phoned vet and pharmacie who offered me a powder perhaps it's the same one, the french version of the quickstop? Have stopped the bleeding now but she's going to spend tonight in the catbox in the hall as I don't want it to start up in the night and invite pecking or bullyingtomorrow I'll have the car and will pick up the powder in case it starts again, I put peroxide on it, the chemist said it helps scabbing up. Poor thing, i agree with the cruelty comments but here across the channel folks don't see things the same waythe chemist was kind but kept sniggering, telling me that in 36 years as a chemist no one had ever phoned up about a hen before.....


                • #9
                  Good Emergency stopper is a linen square with a very little bit of vaseline smeared just where it will be touching the blood (stops it sticking) folded over the injury and held FIRMLY in place with elastoplast strip, the good old fashioned stretchy one, cos its dead sticky..but soaks off when needed. Also stops pecking by the injured hen, but you need to keep them on their own or just with a quiet pal, cos the others will peck at it instead.
                  Elastoplast strip and horses wound powder are usefull to keep handy
                  Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mr darcy View Post
                    Poor thing, i agree with the cruelty comments but here across the channel folks don't see things the same waythe chemist was kind but kept sniggering, telling me that in 36 years as a chemist no one had ever phoned up about a hen before.....

                    hhmmm...that's how my Vet looked at me when giving me antibiotics for my chook's ear infection!!! ( which didn't work as you know)

                    Sounds like you're handling the situation well!

                    Has 'she' been named yet???
                    Hope things are looking better in the morning!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      interesting thing to note about RSPCA Officers (having worked alongside some and designed a shelter for them) they have NO POWERS. they dress in a similar fashion to police, and have teh same ranks as police, but he candidly revealed to me that they have no more powers than you or i.

                      All they can do is attend and collect evidence and bring about a private prosecution. They cant even act as professional witnesses as they are not recognised by the courts as such. They can only offer an opinion. They get what they do done, down to the general ignorance of the person they are dealing with. They have no rights of entry into a property. Only a police officer with a warrant can. The warrant will only allow named persons in, and these persons must be part of the police force.

                      So by all means invite the RSPCA to the market, they can observe and collect evidence, but they can not arrest or otherwise detain the gentleman. If he is asked to leave by the market he has to go otherwise he is committing trespass!

                      Just be warned that whilst the RSPCA can and does do some good work, they are only human like the rest of us and not some magic bullet. They have limitations the same as you and i
                      My Blog


                      • #12
                        How is she this morning???
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • #13
                          She spent the night in the cat box with loads of straw and a bit of grain and a tiny water pot in case, i looked in on her at about ten and she was cuddled up, she had a little quiet chat with me, so sweet, I looked again just before I turned in and her head had vanished under her wing! this morning the nail bed is clean and has not bled in the night, she's in a little run against the main run with shelter straw etc, the other girls are being social, lots of chatting,scarlet being a bit of a gobby old bint but that's just her, she reckons she's boss! If no blood all day will vinegar spray and put all to bed together tonight, tomorrow back in small run with Gypsy for company Gypsy is the kindest of my hens, will keep a close eye, if all goes well then on sat morning they'll all come out together! When I was a little girl I had my own hen, it was the lame one that the other hens pecked (sirprise sirprise!!) I kept her in my bedroom sometimes, she was called Penny. The new girl is now named Penny!
                          Last edited by mr darcy; 18-02-2010, 09:23 AM.


                          • #14
                            welcome to the Vine Penny!!!
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • #15
                              Oh gosh Mr Darcy, I'm almost frightened to read your posts now. Your chickens certainly keep you on your toes! I hope Penny makes a full recovery. At least you saved her from the horrible man at the market.


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