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  • #16
    My 3 Orpington Blue Banties slept in my shower cubicle Thurs am and were in my bedroom Friday and Saturday night. There were a few little murmurs, a bit of fidgeting and a bit of pecking on the floor of the dog crate. Not what I'd call noise.

    There's occasionally a screechy squawk in the garden but nowhere near as loud as the woodpigeons, crows and them sort of birds up in the trees.
    If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


    • #17
      Just goes to show that each hen is an individual. Daisy one of my Warrens is very noisy when things don't go her way and Belle my Light Sussex well, she can be noisy as well! Daisy keeps it going though when she wants, funny little things they are


      • #18
        I've got 13 goldline bovans they so friendly they follow me round my chicken run:
        The other day i was digging the chicken run over it measure's 24ftx12ft so you could imagine the hard work it was when the chickens were waiting for the worms to appear


        • #19
          know the feeling runnerbean..its worst when they stand on the shovel, or dive under it!
          My quietest are my Brahma x, and the large fowl Orpington x (both big fluffy types) Noisiest award goes to Trousers the buff orpington bantam cockeral, but his Mrs is very quiet (cant get a word in edgeways), and my cream legbars are chatty chooks.
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          Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


          • #20
            my bluebelle is led astray by the very noisy blackrocks,isa browns are only really heard at egg announcement time,rest of the day you wouldnt realise they were there,the blackrocks watch all the time,convinced that i have something for them,its like "chicken run" as they always try to slip past as you collect eggs,they always get past OH and she then has to round them back up,who then calls them peculiar names...all good fun..


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