A friend has very kindly given me her chicken ark as she no longer keeps chooks (too many foxes nearby). It will take 3 regular sized birds or 4-5 bantams and is just perfect for my big garden as the ark is about the same size as my veggie beds, plus it will fit under the fruit trees in the 'orchard' (6 trees
So - for a first time chicken owner, where do I begin? I've been offered two 1-year-old birds, so that bit is sorted. But before I pick them up, I want to know the basics. I'm used to dealing with much larger livestock, ie dairy cows and sheep! I've never worked with chickens on any of the farms I used to work on. Closest I've come is visiting a poultry processing unit (which is another reason for wanting to find somewhere to rear my own table birds... but that's another thread)
Suggestions for suitable books/websites, hints and tips for a complete beginner all gratefully received!

So - for a first time chicken owner, where do I begin? I've been offered two 1-year-old birds, so that bit is sorted. But before I pick them up, I want to know the basics. I'm used to dealing with much larger livestock, ie dairy cows and sheep! I've never worked with chickens on any of the farms I used to work on. Closest I've come is visiting a poultry processing unit (which is another reason for wanting to find somewhere to rear my own table birds... but that's another thread)
Suggestions for suitable books/websites, hints and tips for a complete beginner all gratefully received!
