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Incubator and humidity level question?


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  • Incubator and humidity level question?

    I have made my incubator. Mantained a temp of 101 for past 6 hours, humidity is only 30%, added more water and the level has dropped. Do you know why this is?

  • #2
    humidity takes some time to build up , leave it 6 hours or more , also adding warm water helps speed up the humid testing before adding the eggs. Room /weather day and night also effect the humid inside your incubator. Your get it right in the end , just takes alot of time playign around .

    Hythe kent allotments


    • #3
      I don't add water until day 18. The humidity at this time of year is quite high anyway. (Having said that, only one of my twelve eggs set has hatched up til now!)
      I have a humidity metre but have misplaced it!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Thanks for that. I have made the incubator myself, temperature is constant and I have bought a dial hygrometer from the local reptile shop, I did put cold water in, maybe should have put warm. I am going to try eggs from my friend, her Dad has Warrens running with a cockeral so thought I would give that a go first off before spending on eggs online. There are no eggs in there at the moment, trying to get the settings right first.


        • #5
          The humidity in my room is nearly 50% (goes up to 60+ when I put the washing in there to dry) and its the same in the incubator. Like Snadger I only add water on day 18 - hatched 4 out of 6. I think it depends on the incubator - mine's a simple static one heated by bulb. I tested mine for days before I got it right. Worth the effort in the long run.


          • #6
            I add warm water, inci runs at 37.5c and between 50 and 60%, then up to 80% last few days. Took me a few days to sus but now I add water twice a day in small amounts to keep it constant. doing it once a day was letting it yo yo way too much.
            by the way my inci is forced air (has a fan). With still air I have been told the humidity is not as important, but with forced air you need water all the way through. And this hatch is the first Ive done using a hygrothingy. Which is why I hadnt realised how much it yoyoed (40 difference..oopps) Will see if/what difference I get this time.
            Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


            • #7
              Temp is still being maintained, humidity around 45 to 50% all day. Just waiting for some eggs now. I'm quite proud of myself having made it all myself! Just hope it works.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MrsC View Post
                Temp is still being maintained, humidity around 45 to 50% all day. Just waiting for some eggs now. I'm quite proud of myself having made it all myself! Just hope it works.
                Don't forget to test it going to 80% humid before getting your eggs , that way you know the size of the water pot you will need.
                Can't wait to see your hatch pics

                Hythe kent allotments


                • #9
                  remember - each time you take the lid off to view the eggs, you lose some of your humidity. A common loss of chicks that have pipped can be down to people sneaking a quick peek and dropping the humidity of the incy at the most crucial time. This can lead to chicks getting stuck in the shell. Be very disciplined and once they start hatching, try not to open the lid too often otherwise yo umay end up with some stuck.

                  good luck with the hatch and let us know how you get on.
                  My Blog


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone

                    Just got my 6 fertilised eggs from a friend, Warren Hybrids, ooh I'm quite nervous now. Just about to mark the eggs any last minute advice please!!!!


                    • #11
                      They're in there, will keep you updated! How exciting!


                      • #12
                        Good Luck! It's a long 3 weeks, but soooo exciting - keep us updated.


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