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Indian Game Cock on his back


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  • Indian Game Cock on his back

    Does anyone on here have experience of Indian Game?

    I have an Indian Game cock which I was kindly given by Polly Fouracre (fellow Grape) last year. He is a splendid bird, and I'm really hopeful he will produce some good meat birds later on.

    However, my problem is this. He is getting involved in a few scraps with the LS cock that shares his pen. Together they look after a harem of 10 hens. For the most part they co-habit quite happily together and the scraps are nothing serious. However, the LS has a habit of tipping the IG onto his back, and then he can't get up again! It's as though (like a turtle) he's so wide he can't right himself. He's also done it while dustbathing. We've gone into the enclosure on several occasions now to find him upside down and seemingly unable to get up, yet when we help him, he runs off, right as rain. Is this normal for an IG? He seems fit and well in all other respects.

  • #2
    mines pretty much the same sally. once on his back he cant right himself without a struggle - rather like a sheep. i think its to do with the wide carriage. however, ours can (if he can be bothered) get himself up again by a deft use of his wing tips which he digs into the ground as a sort of support and pushes up from them

    Another thought, mine is reasonably trim as i dont give him too much feed as i dont want him to "go fat" meaning he cant make the "connection" with the girls, something i have heard alledged that IG are prone to. therefore he gets adequate feed to be well, just not any treats such as bread etc. has yours been gorging on windfalls etc? could he need to go on the slimming world diet as it might make it easier for him to get back p again??

    And lastly, my IG cock wont tolerate much with him, infact the girls only get away with it coz they is "his" girls. I dont have any other birds in there to tip him over. if you cant find any other solution, is it possible to exclude him from the sussex or vice versa?
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    • #3
      Intersting thread! I hope to be going to an auction soon and was hoping to pick up either a trio or a lone IG cockerel. You've got me wondering now whether I should just stick with my home reared LS cockerel as a cockerel is no good if he's on his back all the time!.
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      • #4
        Thanks Jennie/Mike (never know which one is writing!). Reassuring to know someone else has one doing the same. He's not too fat - apart from a couple handfuls of wheat shared with the others late afternoon that's pretty much all the scraps he gets (I'm pretty mean). All the birds in that pen have ad lib pellets from a peck feeder but that's all. Any treaty type scraps go to the bantam horde!

        As you say, it must be down to the breed. He is a big powerful chap. I don't want to separate him from Rambo (LS) as apart from the odd scuffle they get along well. They both seem to be covering their favourite girls and so we shall take a mixture of eggs from all the girls and see what comes out. Whatever it is should make good eating!

        Snadge - Apart from the back thing he is a good cock, and very friendly. He's not too rough with the ladies and tolerates cuddles from me. So don't rule one out.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Snadger View Post
          Intersting thread! I hope to be going to an auction soon and was hoping to pick up either a trio or a lone IG cockerel. You've got me wondering now whether I should just stick with my home reared LS cockerel as a cockerel is no good if he's on his back all the time!.
          What a shame I didn't know this a few weeks ago! A beautiful bird is in the deep-freeze because I couldn't find a home for him!
          I think your cockerel must be a bit too weighty, Richmond Hens, I am mean with breeding fowl's grub. I save it for the fatteners!!


          • #6
            Thanks Polly. I really don't think he is too fat, but perhaps I'll put that pen on a diet and see what happens.


            • #7
              I agree with Richmond Snadger our IG cock is the friendliest cock we have he is also very nice to his laydees, a real investment especially if you are looking to produce a meat bird!!

              Sally - we cross ours with dorkings to get yummy meat but have been told by many that a really good cross is with a sussex as you get the nice sussex meat with the wide game stance giving a broader breast! So I am positive yours will be a great yunny eater!

              Polly do you have any auctions near you? - We have found that IG cocks are popular and tend to fetch a lot more than your standard cock usually around £5 or £6, but then again yummy for Sunday Lunch!!
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