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Scaly Leg


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  • #16
    You spray it direct onto the legs its not systemic - it never enters the body at all, its not the spot on one but the spray one. As its not systemic it is perfectly fine to eat all of the eggs, and there is no egg withdrawl period for the active ingredient.

    Most vets will prescribe it for you now and its listed in all of thier literature and even has a dosing recomendation in their "bible" the big set of books they always get out when prescribing anything to check dosing. We are DEFRA registerd due to our size and even they recognise for use in controlling mites, our Animal Welfare officer suggested it to us!

    As for toxic poisoning from over exposure I've not had any problems yet and when I spray for mites I do all 150 odd birds in 1 day - thats a heck of a lot of frontline!!! The actual research in america was done using a fipronil based spray insecticide used on very large scale for spraying fields - fipronil is actually a widely used agro-chemical in the states! It is used here too but is under review as it is broad spectrum so kills all insects including beetles and bees and as bees are a protected species in this country they are reviewing its general usage. a lot of farmers have already stopped using it under their entry level environmental plans!

    But obviously it is a chemical so as with all chemicals follw the instructions carefully, look for contr-indications use sensibly - ie wash your hands thoroughly after use, do not ingest, avoid contact with eyes, keep out of reach of children, seek medical advice should any adverse reactions occur - you know all the stuff written on the side of any household bottle - even your shampoo!!!
    My Blog


    • #17
      just down to personal preferance realy in the end,the wrongs and rights could go on forever, but me personaly , wouldnt use it..i am buy no means telling people not to use it.its down to what you the individual wants to use.
      totally mad on growing veg and keeping bantams!!!!


      • #18
        I use Frontline spray too, it was taken off prescription a couple of years ago and I got some over-the-counter from my vet without a prescription. It clears up lice too, no problem you only need to use it once every three months. Benzyl benzoate is another effective remedy (your chemist might still stock it - but be prepared for some funny looks if you ask for it - it's sold as a treatment for an embarrassing human condition )

        Dwell simply ~ love richly


        • #19
          My chooks scales have not even fully grown back yet from last year, any advice?
          My contribution to the poultry world Urban Chickens


          • #20
            My vet was happy to prescribe Frontline spray for scaly mite. Says just 'cos something is not licenced for use on chickens doesn't mean it can't. Just that manufacturer doesn't want to pay for the licence.


            • #21
              Thats exactly it frias cos to get it licenced they have to pay for trials etc!

              Birdie-wife - thanks couldn't remember the name of the product just knew it was for treating scabies snd crabs!

              Urban chickens - sometimes they never grow back depends on how much damage was done by the mites! They usually shed scales in the same way we shed skin so it can take some time to come back, but if they don't then theres not a worry just be careful as they can pick up infections a little easier.
              My Blog


              • #22
                Thanks everyone for all your advice - plenty of choice of things to try.

                Rang my vets re Frontline spray as adverts on line are asking for a prescription! - have been quoted �24 for 100ml spray - quite expensive I thought and was asked if my clucks are registered with them!!??

                Actualy have some benzyl benzoate - bought it to treat sweet itch on a pony - I hasten to add!!

                And also have a big jar of vaseline so just need to bite the bullet and get on with the treatment.

                Once again - many thanks


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Gorsty View Post
                  Thanks everyone for all your advice - plenty of choice of things to try.

                  Rang my vets re Frontline spray as adverts on line are asking for a prescription! - have been quoted �24 for 100ml spray - quite expensive I thought and was asked if my clucks are registered with them!!??

                  Actualy have some benzyl benzoate - bought it to treat sweet itch on a pony - I hasten to add!!

                  And also have a big jar of vaseline so just need to bite the bullet and get on with the treatment.

                  Once again - many thanks
                  Yep, Frontline spray is kinda pricey but as one treatment lasts for months, a bottle lasts a long time. My vet sold the bottle to me only because I was registered with them, though my chickens weren't specifically registered with them.

                  Dwell simply ~ love richly


                  • #24
                    I use Frontline too (�22 100ml bottle), my vets were happy for me to use it even through it's my cats registered to them, not the chickens.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by yeti View Post
                      just down to personal preferance realy in the end,the wrongs and rights could go on forever, but me personaly , wouldnt use it..i am buy no means telling people not to use it.its down to what you the individual wants to use.
                      after doing the vaseline now for nearly a week,how will i know when the birds are clear of the scaly leg mite?,do the scales drop off or close up?,they seem fine in themselves but i dont want to stop applying the vaseline if i havent cleaned them out,checked for lice and only found about 5 on all 7 birds,so they got redusted,to finish them off


                      • #26
                        Frontline is worth every penny! If your not registered at the vets - ask a mate who has a dog to phone through an order and pick it up yourself.


                        • #27
                          Front line from petcaremart is 14.59 for 100ml


                          • #28
                            Thanks for that SuzyQ, I've just ordered some nice and quick and easy!
                            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                            • #29
                              One of my lads has 'chunkier' scales on his legs than any of the other birds. It's not got any worse over the past year- nor have any of the others got similar sorts of scales. Do they sometimes just have bigger- and slightly raised - scales naturally- or has this lad got mites???
                              I just presumed it was 'normal' for him as it's no worse, and it's not spread to the rest of the flock in all that time ( despite close contact via 'piggybacks'
                              Bit confused now!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • #30
                                scaly is quite easy to spot,the scales would be raised quite alot,and feel very wrong when you move your fingers up the leg,once the mites burrow underneath the scales they lay there eggs and then they hatch,and it all starts again,as this happens it creates large sort crustyness which forms on the legs which causes great discomfert in the bird..
                                totally mad on growing veg and keeping bantams!!!!


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