Hi all
Since getting my white crested polish hens last Sept and discovering 1 was a boy (who I rehomed) leavin me with a hen (Dolly) only to be confused a few weeks later with hearing a cock a doodle do from Dolly who I thought was a girl. I have had my doubts and read loads and spoke to many who told me that once the dominant cock has left then the remaining one would start to develop (much to my disappointment!) I have posted pics of Dolly on a few sites and been told, that's a boy!
Since introducing my new Frizzle (in lay) Dolly has taken on a transformation becoming more hen like in appearance and now laying. I nearly rehomed her, so glad I didn't! Just goes to show that they keep you guessing.
Since getting my white crested polish hens last Sept and discovering 1 was a boy (who I rehomed) leavin me with a hen (Dolly) only to be confused a few weeks later with hearing a cock a doodle do from Dolly who I thought was a girl. I have had my doubts and read loads and spoke to many who told me that once the dominant cock has left then the remaining one would start to develop (much to my disappointment!) I have posted pics of Dolly on a few sites and been told, that's a boy!
Since introducing my new Frizzle (in lay) Dolly has taken on a transformation becoming more hen like in appearance and now laying. I nearly rehomed her, so glad I didn't! Just goes to show that they keep you guessing.
