Hi All
Just wondering if I might tap into the collective knowledge and experience of the group!
I have a hen (some kind of brahma cross, I suspect warran/brahma) who has gone very broody. In the effort to meet her motherly desires I have obtained some runner duck eggs for her to sit on. We have a currently empty run (intended for runner ducks this year) for her to be moved into and ill be modifying the coop tomorrow morning for her.
I would welcome any tips and or advice any might have to offer regarding hatching ducks under broody hens�
In particular�
- is she likely to sit for the full 28 days? (assuming it is 28 days for runners)
- will I need to do anything different
- and when they hatch, do I need to do anything special?
Thanks in advance
Just wondering if I might tap into the collective knowledge and experience of the group!
I have a hen (some kind of brahma cross, I suspect warran/brahma) who has gone very broody. In the effort to meet her motherly desires I have obtained some runner duck eggs for her to sit on. We have a currently empty run (intended for runner ducks this year) for her to be moved into and ill be modifying the coop tomorrow morning for her.
I would welcome any tips and or advice any might have to offer regarding hatching ducks under broody hens�
In particular�
- is she likely to sit for the full 28 days? (assuming it is 28 days for runners)
- will I need to do anything different
- and when they hatch, do I need to do anything special?
Thanks in advance